HALF PAY LEAVES (HPL) a part of AP LEAVE RULES, can be availed by AP Employees, Teachers, Half Pay Leave rules Telangana. HALF PAY LEAVE (both non-vacation and vacation – Regular and temporary rules 13,18 and 23) . Every Govt. servant earns 20 days of Half Pay leave for every completed year of service including EOL and there is no limit for maximum accumulation.[Authority: Rule 13(a), 18(a) and 23(i)]. Full details of Half Pay Leave is explained below. Guide for Half Pay Leave Rules. Half Pay Leave Rules (HPL) AP Leave Rules 13,18 and 23 AP TS Employees Half Pay Leave.
Half Pay Leave Rules- HPL Rules - AP Telangana Employees
- Every Govt. servant earns 20 days of Half Pay leave for every completed year of service including EOL and there is no limit for maximum accumulation.[Authority: Rule 13(a), 18(a) and 23(i)]. Credit of H.P.L. is allowed for duty, leave and E.O.L also.
- Half Pay Leave can be granted either on Medical Certificate or on Private Affairs. No Limit for sanction of Half Pay Leave. Rule 11
- Temporary employees appointed under Rule 10(a)(i) State and Subordinate Service Rules whose services have not been regularised are not eligible for half pay leave. (Govt. Memo No.20584/ 302/FR-I/74-1/Fin. & Plg., Dt.12.09.74)
- The period treated as Dies-Non & Suspension treated as not on duty may have to be excluded for counting the period of one year to give credit of HPL of 20 days. (FR 18).
- There is no limit for accumulation and leave to the extent admissible can be granted at a time.
- If a Govt. servant suffering from TB/ cancer/ Mental illness/ leprosy/ heat diseases and renal failure(kidney), avail Half pay leave upto 6 months and it should be debited in Half Pay leave Account but he should be paid in full salary. In case of the credit of Half Pay leave is not available in his leave account, this facility should not be availed. [Authority: G.O.Ms.No.188 F & P.Dept dt.30-7-73, G.O.Ms.No.234 F & P.Dept dt. 29-8-75, G.O.Ms.No.336 F & P.Dept dt.6-9-76, G.O.Ms.No.449 F & P.Dept dt.28-10-76.
- As per G.O.Ms.No.29 Fin & Plg. (FWFR-I) Department, dated 9-3-2011 extended up to 8 months for Mental illness, Heart diseases, Leprosy, renal failure and HIV Aids. .
- During HPL, Basic will be paid Half, DA will be corresponding to the Half Basic.
- HRA and CCA shall be allowed in full to State Govt. employees upto 180 days during Half Pay Leave also. (Ref G.O. Ms. No. 28 Dt. 09-03-2011)
- The period treated as Dies-Non & Suspension treated as not on duty may have to be excluded for counting the period of one year to give credit of HPL of 20 days. (FR 18).
- There is no limit for accumulation and leave to the extent admissible can be granted at a time.
- A Govt. servant in superior service regularly appointed or in inferior service, whose probation has not yet been declared, can be granted Half Pay Leave subject to the following conditions:
- (i) To be granted on Medical Certificate Only
- (ii) The Superior Govt. Servant should have completed 2 years of regular service
- (iii) An Inferior Govt. servant should have completed 1 year of regular service. (LR 23(a)(i)).
- (i) To be granted on Medical Certificate Only
- (ii) The Superior Govt. Servant should have completed 2 years of regular service
- (iii) An Inferior Govt. servant should have completed 1 year of regular service. (LR 23(a)(i)).
- As per circular Memo No.14568-A/63/PCI/A2/2010 dated.31-01-2011 Half Basic Pay + Proportionate D.A. HRA & CCA in full upto 6 months No compensatory allowances after that.
Half Pay Leave Reference Govt Orders and Proceedings
GO.154, Dated 4.5.2010- PRC 2010 - Encashment of Half Pay Leave at the time of Retirement | DOWNLOAD |
AP LEAVE RULES 1933 - Rule 13(a), Rule 18(a), Rule 23(a)-Half Pay Leaves to AP Govt Employees | DOWNLOAD |
GO.40 Dated 11.5.2006 - Apprentice Teachers - Eligibility of Leave Benefit under F.R.104 | DOWNLOAD |
Rc.3406 Dated 3-1-03 Half Pay Leave on Medical Grounds Treating as Apprentice Period | DOWNLOAD |
GO.134 Dated 10.6.1996 -Leave eligibility for Apprentice Teachers-Orders-Issued | DOWNLOAD |
GO.166 Dated 23.9.1992 - Drawl of Full DA During Half Pay Leave - Dispensed with - Orders | DOWNLOAD |
GO 268 Dated 29.10.1991 Kidney Failure - 6 Months Half Pay Leave to Full Pay | DOWNLOAD |
GO.188 Dated 30.7.1973 - Full Leave Salary to the AP Govt Employees suffering from Tuberculosis, Leparasy , Cancer and Mental Illness - | DOWNLOAD |
GO.449 Dated -Leave Salary to the AP Employees suffering from Heart Attack | DOWNLOAD |
GO.386 Dated 6.9.1996 - AP LEAVE RULES 1933 - Liberalisation of Rule 29 of APLR | DOWNLOAD |
GO.590 Dated 6.8.1980 - Sanction of Leave to Employees of Local Bodies, Municipalities, aided | DOWNLOAD |
Memo.2058 Date 12.9.1974 - Employees appointed Under 10(a)(i) - not Eligible for HPL- | DOWNLOAD |
GO.234 Date 27.10.1988-Encashment of Half Pay Leave at the time of Retirement of Employees | DOWNLOAD |
GO.342 Date 30.9.1994 -Encashment of Half Pay leave at the time of retirement of Employees | DOWNLOAD |
Memo.3220 Dated 19.2.2005 - Admissibility of DA during Half Pay Leaves -Certin Clarifications.- | DOWNLOAD |
Memo.49578 Dated 23.2.1999 - Encashment of Half Pay Leave at the time of retirement | DOWNLOAD |
Memo.4006/29 Dated 18-12-2002 -Leaves to Apprentice Teachers during apprentice Period | DOWNLOAD |
GO.28 Dated 9.3.2011 - Payment of HRA, CCA during all Kinds of Leaves upto 180 days | DOWNLOAD |
AP LEAVE RULES 1933 - Rule 15(b), 18(b) - on Commuted Leave- | DOWNLOAD |
GO.186 Dated 23.7.1975 - Commuted Leave Period during entire service raised to 240 Days- | DOWNLOAD |
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AP LEAVE RULES 1933 - Rule 15(c), 18(c) on LEAVE NOT DUE - | DOWNLOAD |
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