RC.No. 25 /Estt-3/2015 Dated:06-06-2015. Rc 25 Rc 25 AP Primary Schools Rationalization 2015 Guidelines Instructions Norms. Detailed Process and Guidelines for Primary Schools Rationalization in Andhra Pradesh released by DSE of AP.Read the Detailed guidelines for AP Primary Schools Rationalization 20156, Resource Redistribution of AP Primary Teacher Posts and AP Schools given below..
Sub:- School Education – Resource Redistribution- Rationalization of teachers /posts/schools – Primary schools – instructions – issued- Regarding.
Sub:- School Education – Resource Redistribution- Rationalization of teachers /posts/schools – Primary schools – instructions – issued- Regarding.
Rc 25 AP Primary Schools Rationalisation 2015 Guidelines Instructions
- All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers and Project Officers, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan in the state are informed that, Government of India enacted the Right to Education Act 2009. As per section 25(1) of RTE Act 2009 envisages that the appropriate Government and the local authority shall ensure that the Pupil-Teacher Ratio, as specified in the Schedule, is maintained in each school.”
- The School Education Department constituted a Working Group to study and report on the Teacher – Pupil Ratio and modalities for Resource Redistribution Rationalization (RR-R) of Schools and Teachers working in Primary (Govt./ZP/MP) in the State.
- The Working Group examined (a) the Aadhar Mapped U-DISE and Child Information Data (b) children yet to be enrolled in new academic year (c) No. of Schools (d) No. of Teachers (e) No. of Gram Panchayats, (f) Schools in each Gram Panchayat (g) the scope of positive consolidation of the schools within the Gram Panchayat were the enrollment is less than 30 in each school (h) availability of Schools within 1 Km radius in respect of Primary Schools, 3 KM radius in respect of Upper Primary Schools, 5 Kms radius in respect of High Schools/Success Schools, (i) the scope for Resource Redistribution – Rationalization in terms of infrastructure and human resources etc.
- The Working Group also took into consideration the performance of Andhra Pradesh in terms of Key Education Indicators. It also studied the key findings relating to the learning levels of students in Government schools in the State as per the National level Annual Status of Education Report 2014 (ASER) and State Level Achievement Survey 2014-15 (SLAS).
- The Working Group noted that while the Teacher – Pupil Ratio (TPR) at the State and district level is higher than the national average, at the School level it needs to be improved. Further, it found that there are some schools with higher student strength vis- à-vis the sanctioned teaching posts and on the other hand some schools with uneconomic strength of students have more teachers.
- The Working Group also noted that there are several Primary Schools within a radius of 1 Km with less than 30 enrollment and with more than 30 enrollment. The Working Group recommended that positive consolidation of such Schools and staff/posts in these schools may be done by pooling them to develop as a Model Primary Schools in the Gram Panchayat / Municipality. Such Resource Redistribution – Rationalization help in making best use of the available resources – infrastructure, teachers, etc. It will make it possible for ensuing one Teacher for one Class and minimize multi grade teaching by single teacher which is resulting in poor learning levels.
- In the above context the Working Group recommended the following norms for undertaking the positive consolidation and for developing a Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Primary School) in every Gram Panchayat/Municipality.
Important Rationalization Continued Below..