APPSC New Website
PSC.AP.GOV.IN Launched. APPSC has launched new website. Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission has designed a New Website by name . This new website is designed with new standards in responsive model. It can be easily opened in mobile and also in Desktop. APPSC Department Tests are now conducted Online. The new APPSC website has all the standards of conducting Online Tests. The APPSC Site Maintained By Information Systems Wing APPSC. From Now onwards all the Department Tests and Direct Recruitment Tests details may be hosted in
APPSC New Website PSC.AP.GOV.IN Launched
The A.P. Public Service Commission came into existence on 1 st November, 1956 with the formation of the State of Andhra Pradesh . Before this, there was Andhra Public Service Commission in the Andhra State and Hyderabad Public Service Commission in the Hyderabad State . Andhra Service Commission came into existence only in 1953 after the bifurcation of composite Madras State into Andhra and Madras States.On the eve of formation of Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission, Andhra Public Service Commission was functioning with a Chairman and two Members and Hyderabad Public Service Commission was functioning with one Member. Hence, A.P. Public Service Commission was constituted with a Chairman and 3 Members. With increasing work load, Government enhanced the strength of the Commission to Chairman and 5 Members in the year 1981 and later to Chairman and 7 Members in the year 1983. Government again reviewed the strength in 1994 and enhanced it to Chairman and 9 Members. This is the present strength also.