Memo.No.023400-A/163 /PC.II/2011 Dt.09-09-2011
Automatic Advancement Scheme - Clarifications in implementation of Modified Automatic Advancement Scheme - Issued. Govt have issued clarifications on implementation of
AAS Scheme in New Modified AAS Scheme. A.P.United Teachers' Federation has furnished some of the objections raised by the Treasury officers in implementation of Automatic Advancement Scheme and requested to clarify certain points raised by the Treasury Officers. It contains the Date of Normal Increment after implementing AAS Scheme, Eligibility for SPP-IB/SAPP-IB, if he is not eligible for appointment to SPP-II scale (as he is not qualified for second level promotion), though he has completed the 24 years of service.

Memo 23400 Date 9-9-2011 AAS Clarifications
In the reference cited, the President, A.P.United Teachers' Federation has furnished some of the objections raised by the Treasury officers in implementation of Automatic Advancement Scheme and requested to clarify certain points raised by the Treasury Officers. Government after careful examination, hereby issue the following clarifications on certain points of doubt raised by the treasury in the implementation of Modified Automatic Advancement Scheme as follows:-
Sl. No.
Objection raised by the Treasury Officials
1 |
Whether date of normal increment shall be continued after sanction of SPP-IB/SAPP-IB or normal increment shall be sanctioned after lapse of 12 months from the sanction of SPP- IB/SAPP-IB. |
Yes. The date of normal increment
shall be continued. The sanction of SPP-IB/SAPP-IB is an additional increment to the normal increment. |
Whether the terms and conditions incorporated
in G.O.Ms.No.93, Finance (PC.II) Deptt.
dt.03.04.2010 shall be continued after the
issuance of G.O.Ms.No.96, Finance (PC.II)
Deptt. dt.20.5.2011. |
The periodicity of the Automatic
Advancement Scheme from 8/16/24
to 6/12/18/24 has been changed
w.e.f.01.02.2010 and the other conditions in G.O.Ms.No.93, Finance (PC.II) Deptt. dt.03.04.2010 shall be continued. |
3 |
Whether an employee shall be eligible for appointment to SPP-IB/SAPP-IB, if he is not eligible for appointment to SPP-II scale (as he is not qualified for second level promotion), though he has completed the 24 years of service. |
Yes, he is eligible for appointment to SPP-IB/SAPP-IB, if he had already been sanctioned SPP-IA/ SAPP-IA |
4 |
Whether the service conditions and
exemptions/ relaxations required for promotion as per the service rules/conditions are applicable for the appointments to the scales under Automatic Advancement Scheme.
Applicable as per para 2(4) of G.O.Ms.No.93, Finance (PC.II) Deptt. dt.03.04.2010 |