- Rc.1135 Dt.30/11-Revised Guidelines for Utilization of RMSA School Annual Grants & List of Books Recommended
- Rc.343 Dt.30/11-C&DSE-Instructions to Serve MDM to Social Welfare Hostel students in Schools if they opted
- Rc.10809/A3-Guntur DEO-Sanctioning CCLs for Census Work done in 2nd Phase
- Roc.3843-Orders to Regional Director to Instruct Municipal Commissioners for Implementation of 2Notional Increments to Mpl Trs
- Rc.412-Dir-SCERT-Conducting Dist Level Science Fairs in Nov'2011-Guidelines and Themes-Sub Themes-Reg
- Rc.190/C5 Dt.29/10/11 DEO West Godavari Sanctioning CCLs for Census Duty
- Click & Download--SSC 2012 TIMETABLE---INTER TIMETABLE
- Rc.3991 Dt:25/10/11- PF A/c's-Clarifiraction for Spl VVs of DSC-02
- Rc.31/E1 Dt.21.10.11 of DSE -Revised Working Days Schedule for TG dists on compensation for Strike Period
- Rc.60/B7 18/10 MEOs accorded Drawing Powers for SMCs in place of Special Officers
- Rc.222/RVM - Positining of VVs in Place of Maternity/on Deputation Teachers
- Rc.365-16/9/11-Games and Sports Material to Schools-Rs.2000 for PS, Rs.4000 for UP/HS should be kept apart from school Grants
- Memo No:023400-A/163/P.C.II/2011-Clarifications of AAS 18 years - Reg
- Rc.190 Date:5/9/11-Training to newly recruited Teachers and VVs-Reg
- Rc.60/B7/RVM Dt:5/7/11-/Special Officers will perform as Chairpersons for SMCs
- Rc.274 30/8/11-Preperation of Question Papers and Meeting the Xerox Charges from School Grants Reg
- Memo 9542-Apprentice Teachers are also eligible for Medical Reimbrsement
- Rc.88/RVM -NPEGEL-Implementation of NPEGEL Activities during 2011-12-Suggestive list of Guidelines-Reg
- Rc.No.31/E1-1/2011 DSE -List of Holidays and Activities to be conducted during 2011-12
- Rc.No.980/C3-1 Dt:19/8/11-Insutrctions on Pass in Dept Tests & promotions of Gr.II HMs
- Cir.NO.15926-DTA Instructions to DDOs to enter CPS details
- Paternity Leave to male Govt Employees Clarification by Fin Dept
- Rc.222 of SPD-RVM on Engaging Vidya Volunteers for 2011-12
- Cir.Memo.No.14781 Dt:22/6/11-Surrender of ELs for 2011-2012
- Rc.No.132 Dt:9.6.2011-Sanctioning of ELs for Duty of SSC Adv Suppl Exams
- Rc.212-ELs to 5days RMSA Summer training in May-2011 to SA
- Rc.60 5/9/11-Special Officers will perform duties as Chairpersons for SMCs
- Most Referred CCLs Clarification Memo.13112 and GO.35-Click
- Rc.No.980/C3-1 Dt:19/8/11-Insutrctions on Pass in Dept Tests & promotions of Gr.II HMs
- Cir.Memo.No.020091 17/8/11-Clarifications issued on New AAS Scales(6/12/18/24)
- Clarifications on FR 82 Sub Rules 15 & 20 In Eng & Telugu
- Rc.5730 9/8/11 SPD RVM-Assessment of Additional Teacher Posts as per RTE-2009
- Rc.222 2/8/11 Engaging of VV's in UP Sections of High Schools for 2011-12
- Rc.1115 1/8/11 Permission to Muslim Employees to leave the offices @4pm in RAMZAN
- Rc.1570 3/8/11 Promotions to All SAs vacancies (30% quota also) by 6.8.11
- MDM Guidelines-2011-12,Complete guidelines Set with References
- Cir.NO.15926-DTA Instructions to DDOs to enter CPS details
- Rc.60 11/7/11-RVM(SSA) Grants Utilisation Guidelines for 2011-12
- Rc.232 Dt:23/7/11-RVM-Revised Job Charts of Staff-MRP,CRP,IERT,AMO,CMO,PO, etc
- Cir.NO.15926-DTA Instructions to DDOs to enter CPS details
- Rc.60 11/7/11-RVM(SSA) Grants Utilisation Guidelines for 2011-12
- Rc.1066 of Filling up of MRP Vacancies complete proceedings set
- Rc.222 Dt;13/7/11-RVM-Permission for VVs in URDU Schools for 2011-12
- Rc.201-School Timings During the Month of RAMZAN
- Paternity Leave to male Govt Employees Clarification by Fin Dept
- Rc.222 of SPD-RVM on Engaging Vidya Volunteers for 2011-12
- Rc.213 of SPD-RVM on Guidelines of filling up of CRP's at School Complex level
- Download AAS Table---Download AAS in Telugu
- Cir.Memo.No.14781 Dt:22/6/11-Surrender of ELs for 2011-2012
- GO.74 Dt:24/6/11-Inclusion of IED Teacher posts to AP Edncl Subordinate Services
- Rc.No.132 Dt:9.6.2011-Sanctioning of ELs for Duty of SSC Adv Suppl Exams
- Download AAS Table---Download AAS in Telugu
- Departmental Test Results(19/2010)- May-2010 Session held on Dec'10
- Rc.212-ELs to 5days RMSA Summer training in May-2011 to SA
- DSE Instructions to DEOs after lifting of Vacation on PIL by Highcourt
- Rc.1570-Instructions on High Court Orders-11/6/2011
- Rc.1570-Priority given to disabled Teachers in Transfers Counselling Dt:7/6
- Rc.No.719-Transfers of Certain Teachers Court orders-Dt:7/6
- DSE-Instructions on Court Orders-Dt:6/6/2011
- Proceedings of DSE to DEOs to follow Tribunal decision Dt:4/6/11
- Rationalisation and Transfers Guidelines New
- Municipal Teachers Draft Rules-RC.No.10045
- Tribal Welfare Teachers Transfers Shedule
- Guidelines on Rationalisation-Basing on video Conference-Rc.No.1570 Dt:10/5/11
- Proc.No.212/E1Dt:7/5/11-Sanctioning of ELs-to SAs for attending-RMSA training in Summer-2010
- Proc1570-Rationalisation Guidelines Proceedings Copy
- Proc.on Rationalisation of Posts on/before 5/5/11
- Proc.-Norms of Rationalisation in Tribal Welfare Schools
- Spl Leave to Women Employees for 45 days-GO.52
- 5CCLs to DSC-08 Trs-for training in Pongal Holidays
- Memo Copy -SSC Centres Schools-Declared Holidays from 1April-9th April
- Special Casual Leave for Chalo Hyderabad JAC-on-23/11
- Payment of DA during HP Leaves-Clarification Memo Copy