Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS), an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Government of India, invites ON LINE applications through the link (RECRUITMENT OF TEACHERS IN NVS - 2014) available on NVS website (i.e. www.navodaya.nic.in) from eligible Indian nationals for drawing a panel of candidates for filling up of the posts of Post Graduate Teachers (PGTs) & Trained Graduate Teachers (TGTs) on DIRECT RECRUITMENT BASIS in the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas located in various districts of the country.
Jawahar Navodaya Post Graduate, Trained Graduate Teachers Recruitment 2014
Subject wise & Category wise break up of tentative vacancies are as follows:
JNV Post Graduate Teachers PGT Recruitment 2014 Vacancies
S. No. | Subject | UR | OBC | SC | ST | Total |
1 | Biology | 19 | 09 | 13 | 00 | 41 |
2 | Chemistry | 20 | 10 | 06 | 15 | 51 |
3 | Commerce | 08 | 08 | 05 | 04 | 25 |
4 | Economics | 25 | 12 | 29 | 10 | 76 |
5 | English | 40 | 00 | 05 | 08 | 53 |
6 | Geography | 17 | 06 | 06 | 04 | 33 |
7 | Hindi | 37 | 00 | 06 | 08 | 51 |
8 | History | 31 | 00 | 08 | 02 | 41 |
9 | Maths | 14 | 19 | 27 | 24 | 84 |
10 | Physics | 24 | 10 | 06 | 19 | 59 |
Total | 235 | 74 | 111 | 94 | 514 |
JNV Trained Graduate Teachers TGT Recruitment 2014 Vacancies
S. No. | Subject | UR | OBC | SC | ST | Total |
1 | English | 32 | 10 | 13 | 33 | 88 |
2 | Hindi | 45 | 00 | 12 | 08 | 65 |
3 | Maths | 62 | 15 | 45 | 57 | 179 |
4 | Science | 25 | 01 | 07 | 20 | 53 |
5 | Social Studies | 26 | 01 | 04 | 07 | 38 |
Total | 190 | 27 | 81 | 125 | 423 |
Age, Qualification Details for PGT Recruitment:
Pay Scale: Rs. 9300-34800 (Grade Pay Rs.4800)
Upper Age Limit: 40 YEARS (As on 31.01.2014).
(a) Two Year Integrated Post Graduate M.Sc. Course from Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate.
Master’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the following subjects.
(b) B.Ed. or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.
(c) Proficiency in Teaching in Hindi and English languages.
(a) Experience as TGT in recognized institution in concerned subject.
(b) Experience of working in a residential school.
(c) Knowledge of Computer application.
PAY SCALE: Rs. 9300-34800 (Grade Pay Rs.4600)
UPPER AGE LIMIT: 35 YEARS (As on 31.01.2014).
(a) Four years integrated degree course of Regional College of Education of NCERT with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject as well as in the aggregate.
A Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent from a recognized University with 50% marks or above in aggregate as well as in the concerned subject comprising the combination.
(b) B.Ed. or equivalent from a recognized University.
(c) Competence to teach through English and Hindi/concerned Regional language as the case may be.
(d) Should pass Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) conducted by CBSE.
(a) Experience of working in a residential school.
(b) Knowledge of Computer application.
Age Relaxation:
Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe 5 years
Other Backward Classes 3 years
Women (SC / ST / OBC) 10 years
The Cut-Off date for determining various eligibility criteria (Educational Qualifications, age limit etc.) will be 31.01.2014. Applicants must satisfy about their eligibility as on 31.01.2014 before applying
Other Backward Classes 3 years
Women (SC / ST / OBC) 10 years
The Cut-Off date for determining various eligibility criteria (Educational Qualifications, age limit etc.) will be 31.01.2014. Applicants must satisfy about their eligibility as on 31.01.2014 before applying
Method of Selection, Exam Pattern for JNV PGT TGT Recruitment
- Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in written examination and interview put together. The Samiti reserves the right to decide the cut off marks in written examination and interview. The decision of the Samiti about the mode of selection to the above posts and eligibility conditions of the applicants for interview shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard
- Objective type multiple choice questions on General English / Hindi (40:20+20), General Awareness (30), General Intelligence, Numerical Ability & Reasoning (30) , Teaching Aptitude (20) and concerned subject knowledge (80). The difficulty level of the question papers for PGTs will be of Post Graduation standard and for TGTs it will be of Graduation standard. There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
- The paper will be for 200 Marks in 2 hrs 30 minutes.
How to Apply Online for Jawahar Navodaya Recruitment 2014:
- Candidates are required to apply Online through Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti’s web-site at www.navodaya.nic.in No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
- Applicants are first required to go to the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti’s web-site at www.navodaya.nic.in and open the link 'Recruitment of Teachers in NVS - 2014'. Thereafter, open the Recruitment Notification titled as ‘RECRUITMENT OF PGTs & TGTs in JNVs - 2014'.
- Carefully fill in the complete details in online application form. Scan and upload your recent photograph and signatures at the appropriate places as per instructions contained in the online application format and submit the same Online
- Take a print out of the 'FEES PAYMENT CHALLAN'.
- Go to the nearest Branch of Union Bank of India with the Fee Payment Challan. Pay in Cash Rs.560/- (i.e. Application Fee of Rs.500/- + Rs.60/- Bank’s service charges) in the form of a bank challan as mentioned above. No fee is required to be paid by candidates belonging to SC / ST / PH categories and Women candidates; hence the steps for payment of fees will not be applicable to them in online application form. Once the fee plus service charges is deposited the same shall not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidate should take note of this and act accordingly.
- Obtain the counterfoil (Applicant's Copy & NVS Copy) of the Fee Payment Challan duly received by the Bank with (a) Branch Name & Code Number (b) Transaction ID/Journal No (c) Date of Deposit & Amount filled by the Branch Official.
- Revisit the NVS website and login with your login id and password and complete the process by filling in the fee details such as Journal No. / Transaction ID, Branch code, date of deposit, amount etc.
- Registration Open 01.02.2014
- Fee deposit opens 01.02.2014
- Registration Closes 28.02.2014
- Fee Closes 01.03.2014
- Submission Closes 03.03.2014
- Admit Card Download Starts 31.03.2014
- Date of Written Test 27.04.2014