Memo No.999-B/245/Al/BG.I/ /2014 Date: 04-04-2014 Admission of Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes (Like RMSA Salary Bills) under Group Head 12
Sub : Budget- 2014- 15 (vote on account) - Admission of Bills under GH 12- Instructions- Issued - Reg.
I. G.O.Ms.No.49, Finance (BG-1) Depa rtment, Dated 20.02.2014.
2. U.O. Note No.551-A/171/A/I80/A1/BG.I/2014, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 12.03.2014.
3. Circular Memo No.737-A/I80/A1/BG.I/2014-1, Fin ance (BG-1) Department Dated 21.03.2014.
4. Circular Memo No.737-A/I80/A1/BG.I/2014-2, Finance (BG-1) Department Dated 24.03.201 4.
5. G.O.Ms.No.70, Finance (BG-1) Depa rtment, Dated 24.03.2014.
6. U.O Note No.737-A/180/A1/BG.I/2014-3, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 28.03.2014.
7. G.O.M s.No.74, Finance ( BG-1) Department, Dated 24.03.2014.
8. G.O.Ms.No.77, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 04.04.2014.
2. U.O. Note No.551-A/171/A/I80/A1/BG.I/2014, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 12.03.2014.
3. Circular Memo No.737-A/I80/A1/BG.I/2014-1, Fin ance (BG-1) Department Dated 21.03.2014.
4. Circular Memo No.737-A/I80/A1/BG.I/2014-2, Finance (BG-1) Department Dated 24.03.201 4.
5. G.O.Ms.No.70, Finance (BG-1) Depa rtment, Dated 24.03.2014.
6. U.O Note No.737-A/180/A1/BG.I/2014-3, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 28.03.2014.
7. G.O.M s.No.74, Finance ( BG-1) Department, Dated 24.03.2014.
8. G.O.Ms.No.77, Finance (BG-1) Department, Dated 04.04.2014.
- The Departments of Secretariat and Head of the Deparatments HODs are informed that as per the guidelines from the Planning Commission, the provisions under GH 10- Centrally Sponsored Schemes.and under GH 06-Matching State Share of Centrally Sponsored Schemes are regrouped and shown under GI-l 12- Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes in BE 2014-15 (Vote on Account).
- The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, AP, Hyderabad, the Pay & Accounts Officer, IIyderabad and the Director of Works Accounts, Hyderabad are authorized to admit salary bills under GH-l2 - Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes which are hither to incurred under GH 06-Matching State Share of Centrally Sponsored Schemes and GH-l0 Centrally Sponsored Schemes in the year 2013-14.
- All the Departments of Secretariat and Heads of Departments are requested to take necessary action for making suitable allocation in full budget 2014-15 under Salaries under GH 12- Centrally Assisted State Plan Schemes wherever necessary