Paryavaran Mitra for the year 2014-15. Paryavaran Mitra is a joint venture of Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Govt of India, and Centre for Environment Education is implementing “Paryavaran Mitra” Programme - an action-based programme; for school students, focusing on Sustainability and Climate Change from 2010. This is a nation-wide programme envisions creating Paryavaran Mitras (Friends of the Environment) in schools across all the districts of every state across India.
The object of the programme is to engage all the students in understanding and recognizing the environmental issues in a large context and in the context of their immediate surroundings.
Thematic areas of the programme:
The school as Paryavaran Mitra shows the commitment to make the difference by taking action. The action could be towards resolving local issues, to improve the condition within the school premises, and at home, or in the community in five thematic areas: Water and Sanitation, Energy, Biodiversity and Greening, Waste Management and Culture and Heritage.
Outreach of the programme:
Material is distributed to 87000 schools spread across 23 districts in Andhra Pradesh including all the Government Primary (PS), Upper Primary Schools (UPS) and Zilla Parishad High Schools (ZPHS) through the Department of Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh and Partner NGOS in the district.
From the year 2010 to 2013::
Implementation Strategy of Paryavaran Mitra for the year 2014-15:
Step 2:
In Andhra Pradesh, the programme has been implemented with support from the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), and RMSA, Government of Andhra Pradesh as a State Level competition, since 2010. Material is distributed to 87000 schools spread across 23 districts in Andhra Pradesh including all the Government Primary (PS), Upper Primary Schools (UPS) and Zilla Parishad High Schools (ZPHS) through the Department of Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh and Partner NGOS in the district.
Paryavaran Mitra for the year 2014-15-Competition for Schools
Objective of the programme:The object of the programme is to engage all the students in understanding and recognizing the environmental issues in a large context and in the context of their immediate surroundings.
Thematic areas of the programme:
The school as Paryavaran Mitra shows the commitment to make the difference by taking action. The action could be towards resolving local issues, to improve the condition within the school premises, and at home, or in the community in five thematic areas: Water and Sanitation, Energy, Biodiversity and Greening, Waste Management and Culture and Heritage.
Material is distributed to 87000 schools spread across 23 districts in Andhra Pradesh including all the Government Primary (PS), Upper Primary Schools (UPS) and Zilla Parishad High Schools (ZPHS) through the Department of Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh and Partner NGOS in the district.
From the year 2010 to 2013::
- Cash Award of Rs10, 000/- , trophy and certificate were presented to 98 schools.
- Consolation prizes to 10 schools.
- SSA, Andhra Pradesh has awarded the cash prize to 14 schools for the year 2013-14.
Implementation Strategy of Paryavaran Mitra for the year 2014-15:
- Announcement of the Competition through Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan , Andhra Pradesh.
- Providing guidelines to schools through DEO/ POs.
- Material Distribution through Department of Education.
- Facilitation for registration by the schools.
- Registration of the schools and sending the details to CEE
- Implementation of 3-5 themes in the schools.
- Monitoring and facilitation by CEE.
- Monitoring by Principals and Senior faculty members of DIET, DEO / POs in their regular visit.
- Report submission by schools by the end December month.
- Short-listing the schools based on the reports by CEE.
- Visit to shortlisted school for evaluation and selection of the Best schools by CEE and DEOs / POs / Principals of DIET.
- Declaration of the winners and State level event for awarding the best schools.
What should schools do? After the announcement of competition
Step 1:- Schools should register as Paryavaran Mitra (PM) School. Schools can register in three ways:
- Online registration at PM website :
- Filling the registration form and sending the form to CEE office. ( Registration form will be sent through DEO to all schools)
- Calling CEE office: for registration, schools can call CEE on 040- 23352586/ 96.
Step 2:
Once the schools are registered as PM schools, they should select at least three themes.. Under each theme, some activities developed based on our daily activities that are easy to do in the school. Following are the themes:
- a. Waste Management.
- b. Water and Sanitation.
- c. Energy.
- d. Biodiversity.
- e. Culture.
- Step 3: All registered schools should send the reports by 31st December 14.
- Step 4: Shortlisting the schools based on the reports by CEE.
- Step 5: Evaluation Visit to shortlisted schools by CEE and DEO/MEO.
- Step 6: Announcement of the winners in the first week of February 15.
- Step 7: Awarding the winners by the end of February 15.