Rc.302 9th 10th Exams in Old Pattern-No Change in Existing SSC Exam System. Rc.No.302/E1-1/ A&I/2009
Dated 17.7.2014. School Education-Examination Reforms for Class IX and X from the academic year 2014-15 onwards. Govt orders are awaited.

Rc.302 DSE-9th 10th Exams in Old Pattern-No Change in Existing SSC Exam System
Read: Press Statement of Hon'ble Minster for Human Resources.
- All the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers are hereby informed that there is lot of confusion regarding conduct of examinations for IX and X classes in the State.
All the Officers concerned are hereby informed that there will not be any change in the the conduct of IX and X classes Examinations. The pattern forwarded will be continued and there will be no change either in the Number of papers or marks. However it may be noted that the New Text Books are to be followed and questions will be set to improve logical/ analytical thinking of children to improve academic standards instead of routine by heart (rote) learning. Director SCERT will keep same model-question paper in website soon.
- Division of Syllabus for first and second languages will be done paper wise and it will be communicated by Director SCERT separately. However Govt orders are awaited.