PG Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration . National University of Educational Planning and Administration has announced the New course "Post Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration" from 2014-15. Since 1982-83, National University of Educational Planning and Administration( NUEPA) has been conducting a specially designed training program leading to Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration (DEPA). This Program has undergone transition to Post Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration (PGDEPA). Details are as follows:
The Post-Graduate Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration (PGDEPA) programme is designed in six phases.
Travel Allowance : Phase 2,4 and 6
• Travel expenses as per NUEPA rules.No Air travel will be permitted for this Post-Graduate Diploma programme. For places not connected by rail, road mileage at the rates applicable for journeys by public transport will be paid.The usual exceptions for North East Region; A&N Islands and Lakshadweep apply.
Eligibility Criteria
PG Diploma in Educational Planning and Administration
The Vice-Chancellor of NUEPA has informed all the States that a Maximum of Three Officials from Each state may be nominated for participating in the Newly Launched PDGEPA Program for the year 2014-15. In continuation to this, the SPD has informed the DEOs & POs of all Districts to identify Three persons among HM/SRG for nomination for PDGEPA 2014-15.
- One of the important considerations for redesigning the programme is the changed profile of those attending the programme and requirements of the department that they represent such as SCERTs/ SIEMATs/DIETs and DEOs/BEOs of Directorates of Education of the State Governments. The PGDEPA programme envisages transforming the present DEPA into an intensive long duration programme to ensure creating a cadre of professionally trained educational administrators in thecountry.
- A basic concern while designing the PGDEPA programme was to ensure that the participants do not have to stay at NUEPA for a period longer than three months and they learn at their own place of work. The PGDEPA is envisaged as twdve months programme leading to a Post Graduate Diploma.However, keeping in view the difficulty of many of the education departments to depute their officials for a long duration programme) the PGDEPA is planned in such a way that the face-to-face and residential part of the programme does not exceed three months. To facilitate this proposed PGDEPA involves varying modalities of course transaction. It involves a preparatory phase at the participants place of work, face-to-face phase at NUEPA, project phase at work place, transacting advanced courses through open and distance learning mode and presentation of project work in a Seminar cum Work shop mode at NUEPA
Objectives of PGDEPA Program:
- To Promote the competency and capacity education functionaries in the educational planning and administration.
- To acquaint the participants with fundamental concepts of educational planning and management.
- To enable the participants to develop the planning and management skills for improved decision making
- To develop the capacities for monitoring and evaluation of educational programmes and projects
Program Structure of PGDEPA 2014-15
Phase 1: Preparatory Course Work September 1-30th 2014 (Four weeks at work place)
- This commences immediately after the nominations are received and the participants are accepted for the programme. NUEPA will be sending self learning material to the participants and they will be provided with guidelines to study these material.This phase will be completed before they come to NUEPA for the next phase of the programme.
- The first week of their stay at NUEPA during Phase 2 will be devoted to a face-to-face workshop of the self learning Phase (Phase 1) that took place prior to their arrival in Delhi.
Phase2: Face-to-Face Course Work October 7, 2014 to January 2, 2015 ( 12 weeks at NUEPA)
Phase 3: Project Work :: January 3 to April 2,2015 (Twelve weeks at work place)
Phase 4: Assessment of the Project Work and Preparation for the Advanced Course Work May 5 to 15,2015 (Two weeks at NUEPA)
Phase 6: Final Evaluation and Award of PGDEPA (One week at NUEPA)
The financial assistance to all the participants will be provided by NUEPA for different phases as indicated below.
Phase 2,4 and 6
• Free boarding and lodging.
• Monthly stipend of Rs. 3000 will be provided to all the participants in Phase 2 only.
• Boob Grant up to a maximum of Rs.1000 on the basis of actual bills.
Phase 4
• Project grant up to a maximum of Rs.1500 subject to production of receipts and cash memos.
- During this phase, the participants would come to NUEPA, New Delhi for face-to-face interaction for course work. The main task during their stay will be an in-depth study of basic techniques and methods of educational planning and administration theories and practices.The Courses offered during this phase comprises of : Indian Education-A Perspective; Educational Administration; Educational Planning; Project Work and Writing;and Participating in Seminar. This phase will also equip the participants to undertake and carry out a project work.
Phase 3: Project Work :: January 3 to April 2,2015 (Twelve weeks at work place)
- The participants in the PGDEPA are expected to prepare a project report during this phase.The topic for the project may be identified by the participants based on its utility for their future professional development on the job. The participants will be oriented. towards the nature of the project work and what is expected &om them. It will be carried out under the guidance of a faculty member allocated to each participant for carrying out the project work (Phase 2) of the programme.
Phase 4: Assessment of the Project Work and Preparation for the Advanced Course Work May 5 to 15,2015 (Two weeks at NUEPA)
- After completing the project work, participants will be coming to NUEPA for project work. presentation in a Seminar cum Workshop Mode.Based on the assessment by experts which includes internal as well as external experts, the participants will be awarded a certificate.This provides an exit point for those who do not want to continue further for PGDEPA. Thus, those who do not continue for advanced courses will stay only for a period of one week.
- For those who plan to pursue advanced courses of the PGDEPA will continue to stay at NUEPA for one additional week where they will be oriented towards the next phase of the programme.
- The advanced courses are designed to provide an in-depth understanding and specialization in educational planning and administration. These courses are offered through distance mode.

- The distance mode courses will be assessed from time to time at the end of each course. A one week face-to-face workshop will be organized at the end of the PGDEPA where the participants will present their assignments in a workshop to be held at NUEPA. On successful completion of the courses the participants will be awarded PGDEPA.
Eligibility and Financial Assistance for PGDEPA
Financial AssistanceThe financial assistance to all the participants will be provided by NUEPA for different phases as indicated below.
Phase 2,4 and 6
• Free boarding and lodging.
• Monthly stipend of Rs. 3000 will be provided to all the participants in Phase 2 only.
• Boob Grant up to a maximum of Rs.1000 on the basis of actual bills.
Phase 4
• Project grant up to a maximum of Rs.1500 subject to production of receipts and cash memos.
Travel Allowance : Phase 2,4 and 6
• Travel expenses as per NUEPA rules.No Air travel will be permitted for this Post-Graduate Diploma programme. For places not connected by rail, road mileage at the rates applicable for journeys by public transport will be paid.The usual exceptions for North East Region; A&N Islands and Lakshadweep apply.
- A graduation degree from any Indian or foreign university;
- Age below 50 years;
- Nominated by the state government or appropriate authority.
- It is desirable that participants should have at least two years of working experience in areas related to educational planning and administration.
- Working knowledge of computers with computer facility for using online material.