Memo No: H/3806/2014 Dated: 10 -11 -2014 and Memo No. H/10389/2014 Dt. 01-11-2014. Instructions and Procedure on Preparation of Arrear Bills prior to 2nd June 2014 and also for the Bills already passed at Treasuries without apportionment between Two Successor States. Below is the process explained on "how to prepare Arrear Bills prior to Bifurcation using DDO Module in AP@58.32% and TG@41.68% Ratio". This Memo gives instructions on Expenditure pertaining to composite AP state booked in Treasuries after appointed day certain instructions regarding Apportionment between two successor states.
The Memo No. H/10389/2014 Dt. 01-11-2014 explains the Expenditure pertaining to composite Andhra Pradesh state booked in Treasuries after appointed date - Apportionment between two successor states- Instructions- Reg. Details given below.
However, the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries Krishna, prakasam & Nellore have requested for clarification on certain issues vide ref 3rd and 4th &5th cited.
In view of the above, the following clarifications are issued.
How to prepare Arrear Bills Prior to 2nd Jun in AP & TG Ratio using DDO Module
Ref:- 1. G.O.MS. No 2597 Finance (Budget – II) Dept, Dt.21–10-2014
- 2. DTA AP Memo No. H1/10389/14 Dt. 011.11.14
- 3. Lr.No.A5/05/2014 Dt.30-10-2014 of D.D., D.T., Krishna
- 4. Lr.No. A7/1/2014 Dt.30-10-2014 of D.D., D.T., Prakasam
- 5. Letter No Nil of D.D.,D.T., Nellore.
However, the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries Krishna, prakasam & Nellore have requested for clarification on certain issues vide ref 3rd and 4th &5th cited.
In view of the above, the following clarifications are issued.
- 1. In respect of claims relates to the composite state, the DDOs have to prepare two bills. One in the APTC form prescribed for that nature of expenditure limiting it to the portion chargeable to residuary A.P. (regular HOA) and the other in APTC form 40 under Inter State Suspense HOA (to charge this to Telangana state at AG level by way of interstate adjustment). It was already mentioned that unlike the existing pattern, all Inter State Suspense bills have to be submitted to Treasury under the option “Inter State Suspense” in DDO claims module of HRMS package.
- 2. It is very much essential to map each Inter State Suspense Bill to corresponding bill claimed under regular HOA to identify against which regular bill this ISS bill is passed. It is useful for post audit at DTO and AG level. It also facilitates easy settlement of funds between two successor states.
- 3. For mapping of Inter State Suspense bills, a software module is provided in “PAY BILLS” module of HRMS package namely “ISS-TBR Mapping“. The DDOs after submitting bill under ISS category using DDO Claims module, have to use “TBR beneficiary mapping” to submit beneficiary details and “ISS- TBR Mapping“ module to map the ISS bill to corresponding bill claimed under regular HOA (regular bill). Unless the DDO maps each ISS bill with corresponding regular bill, the system will not allow issue of token for such bills in Treasury. The screenshot along with the user document for this module is enclosed herewith. 4. In respect of claims already passed during June,2014 to October, 2014, the claims have to be apportioned as instructed vide ref 2nd cited. In case of claims presented in future, total deductions of the bill should be booked to AP only. However, in case of claims where the deductions are exceeding 58% of the claim (i.e. A.P. share), the deductions shall be adjusted in future drawals
Memo No. H/10389/2014 Dt. 01-11-2014.
- Ref: 1 G.O. Ms.No.2597 Finance(Budget II) Dept, Dt.21-10-2014
Personal attention of the Deputy Directors of all District Treasuries is invited to the reference cited. The Government have issued orders on the procedure to be followed for apportionment of arrear and other claims pertaining prior to re-organisation period of composite state i.e., 02-06-2014.
In this connection, it is informed that the Treasuries have passed all claims presented by the DDOs without looking at whether it is arrear claim and current claim and as such no apportionment is made in view of the absence of Government orders in the matter , except certain claims like Medical Reimbursement, Encashment of Earned leave, Pension payments etc. However , in view of the detailed instructions issued by the Government vide GO cited, it is required to identify the amount to be apportioned to Telangana state out of the arrear bills passed on or after 02-06-2014 in Treasuries.
Therefore, this office is preparing a software module for apportionment of expenditure between two successor states.
In this connection, it is informed that the Treasuries have passed all claims presented by the DDOs without looking at whether it is arrear claim and current claim and as such no apportionment is made in view of the absence of Government orders in the matter , except certain claims like Medical Reimbursement, Encashment of Earned leave, Pension payments etc. However , in view of the detailed instructions issued by the Government vide GO cited, it is required to identify the amount to be apportioned to Telangana state out of the arrear bills passed on or after 02-06-2014 in Treasuries.
Therefore, this office is preparing a software module for apportionment of expenditure between two successor states.
Arrear bills already passed after 02-06-2014:
- A software module is provided in HRMS package for each DDO. In this module, the DDO is provided with the token wise details of all bills presented by him /her and passed in Treasuries on or after 02-06-2014 and the DDO has to enter the amount to be apportioned between two states for all bills pertaining to re-reorganisation period, in relevant columns. Once the DDO completes apportionment for all such bills presented by him/her and submits it to Treasury, the Treasury Officer can view the details submitted by the DDO. The Treasury Officer has to scrutinise the correctness of apportionment made by the DDO , and submit it to the DTA. The detailed documentation is provided in HRMS portal.
- However , the following claims are exempted from apportionment as these claims are already covered under apportionment between successor states. 1 All Pension bills, 2 All GPF bills, 3 Final surrender leave bills.
- The Treasury Officers have to admit the claims as per the instructions of the Government. However, the bills under HOA: 8793-129 will be admitted in form 40 under only one category " IS" instead of present style of separate category for each variety of claim.
- Each bill booked under Inter State Suspense(8793-129), should be mapped with the corresponding bill passed and booked under regular Head of Account of A.P.
The Deputy Directors of all District Treasuries shall pay personal attention to complete the apportionment of expenditure betwfi;len two states in case of already passed claims by 20-11-2014 positively and shall ensure clearance of all pending claims, if any, with the DDOs before 31-12-2014.