Re-Engaging the AP SSA Out-sourcing Contract Staff Rc.1707 from 1.5.2015. The services of the RVM SSA Contract Personnel were terminated from 23.4.2015. Now SPD APSSA has released the Rc.No.1707/SSA-AP/A9/2015 dated 21.4.2015 and decided to re-engage the Oursourcing / Contract Persons and their sercices from 1.5.2015 to till the end of 2015-16. Hence all the SSA Contract / Out Sourcing Staff working at School Complex Level or at Mandal Offices will be re-engaged and continue up to the end of 2015-16,. The details of the proceedings Rc.1707 are as follows:
Re-Engaging the AP SSA Out-sourcing Contract Staff Rc.1707 from 1.5.2015 |
- Sub: Rc. No. 1707/SSA-AP/A9/2015. Dated;21-04-2015. Sub;- SSA, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad - Re-engaging of the services of the certain personnel on Out sourcing/Contract basis in the SSA for the year 2015-16- Certain instructions -issued-Regarding.
- Ref:- Project Approval Board ( PAB) meeting held on 05.02.2015.
Re-Engaging the AP SSA Out-sourcing Contract Staff Rc.1707 from 1.5.2015
- All the Project Officers of SSA in the state are informed that the Project Approval Board of SSA met in New Delhi on 05.02.2015 and approved the budget tentatively for CRCs and BRCs for the year 2015-16. 02. Hence, all the Project Officers of SSA in the state are requested to re-engage the services of MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators, Cluster Resource Persons, Divisional Level Monitoring Teams and Asst Sectoral Officers (NGO) on contract basis/out sourcing to work from 01.05.2015 till the end of the academic year 2015-16 in DPOs, Divisional, Mandal, School Complex and School level in the districts duly assessing the performance.
- A model contract form and proceedings are enclosed herewith for ready reference. No personnel shall be engaged without entering into contract under any circumstances. If any deviation is noticed, action will be initiated against the concerned officers as per rules. While engaging them, assessment of previous years performance shall be strictly assessed.
- Further all the Project Officers of SSA are requested to collect the information of the personnel category wise in the format enclosed and furnish the same to the State Project Office within 15 days after engaging the services. The information shall be updated from time to time based on modifications, if any and kept ready at the District Project Office and furnish the same to the State Project Office as and when required.
- The services are engaged afresh.
- Therefore, all the Project Officers of SSA in the stare are requested to follow the norms strictly without any deviations and submit compliance to the State Project Office,