AP Schools AP Teachers Draft Rationalization Guidelines Proposals 25.5.2015

AP Schools AP Teachers Draft Rationalization Guidelines and Proposals 25.5.2015. Andhra Pradesh Primary Schools Draft Rationalization Guidelines 2015, AP Upper Primary Schools Draft Rationalization Guidelines, AP High Schools Draft Rationalization Guidelines 2015. Based on the recommendations  of the working group of Rationalization of Schools and Teachers in order to make the best available resources a positive consolidation of Primary Schools is proposed. The Working Group looked into the norms prescribed in the GOs GO.No 41, GO.55 and GO.61..Details of the Suggestions of the working group of Rationalization presented by apteachers.in are given below..
AP Schools AP Teachers Draft Rationalization Guidelines Proposals 25.5.2015

AP Schools AP Teachers Draft Rationalization Guidelines and Proposals 25.5.2015

The four major norm suggested in Brief:
  1. Ensure positive consolidation of schools With <30 enrollment and within 1 km. radius in the same GP/Municipality so as to make schools viable 
  2. "One Class-One Teacher" norm for Primary classes where enrollment is at least 100 students. This norm is recommended to facilitate positive consolidation and to enhance scope for improved learning levels for the students. 
  3. Attach/open an ECE Center for every Model Primary School.
  4. Aadhaar based Chlldlnfo data and not UDISE data should be the basis for School & Teacher Rationalization.
Basic Norm for Model (Common) Primary School
  • Where there are multiple Primary Schools in a Gram Panchayat, within 1 km radius and with < 30 enrolled, they may be consolidated or merged as one Model or Common Primary School. apteachers.in.
  • Centrally located, accessible Primary or Upper Primary School will be identified to be designed as Model / Common Primary School or that Gram Panchayat / Municipality.
  • There will no Multi Grade/ Class Teaching by 1 Teacher in the Model/Common Primary School.
  • Establishment Proposed for Each Model /Common Primary School:
  1. Five Teachers for Five Classes up to 100 Students. However in Phase-I, One-Teacher-One Class Norm even if the Model/common Primary School doesn't have 100 Enrollment.
  2. One of the Five Teachers will be exclusively identified as English Teacher.
  3. Beyond 150 Students Enrollment, 5 SGTs + 1 PSHM will be provided
  4. Academic support to be provided for Model/Common Primary School
    a. Quality enhancement Initiatives to Improve learning levels of students will be taken uo
    b. Special Training in English Teaching to the identified Teacher.
    c.Academic coordination & Monitoring support with additional teachers w'll be provided.
    d. Adequate Teaching-Learning Material will be provided to the Model PS.
  • There will be scope for identifying more than one Model/Common Schools in a GP/Municipality if there enrolment after consolidation is over 100 in any particular Primary School.
  • Other Primary Schools that continue to function in the same GP/Municipality will be provided Teachers as per TPR of 1:30 as per GO No.55 dated 23.4.2011 One Class-One Teacher norm will be applied when enrollment improves in these schools.
  • It is proposed that RR-R of Schools should be done on the basis of aadhaar seeded Childinfo and not UDISE enrollment data.
  • .In rare cases where there Is no 5 class rooms constructed Primary School Building on one premises. while the School may be identified as Model/Common Primary School for that GP. During 2014-15 for this Model/Common Primary School. I & II Classes may be conducted in one building & Classes Ill, IV & V may be conducted in the second building. SSA may sanction construction of ACRs to such School on priority.
An analysis of Schools,Teachers that Will be covered under different scenarios under RR-R using UDISE & Child info data Indicates the following:

Primary Schools In the GP within < 1 Km,with < 30 enrollment

Gram Panchayats as a Unit
  • b. Of the total 12,995 GPs/Municipalities in 3436 GPs/Municipalities only one Primary School exists now. Hence there Is No scope for consolidation/merging of Primary Schools in such GPs. However. there are Upper Primary Schools In 1154 GPs/Municipalities.  Hence,there is scope for consolidation/merging in such locations.
  • In the balance 9559 GPs/Municipalities there are 28,431 multiple Primary Schools.
  • Of these multiple Primary Schools in the same GP 7524 Primary Schools are within 1 Km radius and with <30 students enrolled. In these GPs there s scope for consolidation/merging
  • As per Aadhar Data Total 15476 Primary Schools are located in 7747 GP/ Municipalities and they can be merged/consolidated.
  • And Hence 7729 ECE Centers can be established.
  • Total 3,06,698 Students enrolled in these 15476 Schools will be merged in 7747 Schools and 38735 Teachers @5 will be provided even if it has less than 100 students enrolled.
  • Total 14,678 Teachers are needed as per child info..

II. Resource Redistribution- Rationalization (RR-R) of Upper Primary School

Status of UP Schools

< 35 enrolled class VI & VII 2372 Schools (including 269 with Zero enrollment)
7339 (Teachers)
<55 enrolled in Class VI VII & VIII
Schools- 1497
Students - 98,198
Teachers - 5357 

Total unviable UP Schools 
No. of Schools - 3869 (2732+1497)
No of UP Schools to be made into Model UP Schools @ 1 in each GP - 2603 {1687 ... 916)
Balance UP Schools will get downgraded to be Primary Schools - 1266.

Basic Norm for Model Upper Primary School

Upper Primary School with
  • < 35 students enrolled in Class VI & VII & <55 students enrolled In Classes VI, VII & VIII will be considered as unviable.
  • Such schools shall be considered for positive consolidation with another UP or High School within 3 kms to create a Model UP School in the same location. 
  • 3. It will be a composite UP School with classes from I to VIII. 
  • 4. Exception to this rs to continue the UP School with <35 enrollment where there is no other UP or High School within a radius of 3 kms. 
  • 5. There will be no multigrade/class teaching by 1 Teacher in the Model Upper Primary School 
6. Establishment for Model UP School
  • a. Nine (9) Teachers will be provided with 5 teachers {for Primary Section) + 4 Teachers for UP Section (Matahematics/Science, English/Social, Telugu & Hindi), If there are at least 160 students
  • (Including Primary Section) enrolled @ atleast 20 per Class. One of the Senior Teacher will act as Head master.
  • b. Beyond 200 enrolment one additional School Assistant will be provided, Senior most SA Will act as Head Master
Number of UP Schools Likely to be affected.
a. UP School's with VI-VII Classes 2372
b. Of these 1792 Schools are <3 kms. They are located In 1687 GPs. In other words 2372 unviable UP Schools can be consolidated Into 1687 Model UP Schools
c. In other words the downgraded UP School will function as Primary Schools

High Schools Rationalization