GO 23 SSC Exam Invigilation Rates 2023 SSC Spot Valuation Rates 2023 from 2016

GO 23 Enhancement SSC Exam Duty Rates 2023 SSC Spot Valuation Rates from 2016. Govt of Andhra Pradesh has enhanced the rates of remuneration to the personnel drafted for conduct of spot valuation work of SSC Public Examinations, March 2016SSC Public Examinations, March 2016 – Enhancement of Rates of Remuneration payable to the personnel for conducting SSC Examinations, Teachers attending for Spot Valuation duties and contingency charges – Orders – Issued. G.O.MS.No. 23 Dated: 31-03-2016. Latest SSC 10th Spot Valuation Rates.
Read the following:-
  • 1. G.O.Ms.No.43, Edn (SE.Exams)Dept., dt.20.03.2009. 
  • 2. G.O.Ms.No.14, Edn (PE.Ser.II)Dept., dt.17.04.2010. 
  • 3. G.O.Ms.No.23, Edn (PE.Ser.II)Dept., dt.31.03.2012. 
  • 4. From the DGE, A.P., Hyderabad, Rc.No.01/B-1/2016, dt.11.02.2016 

GO 23 Enhancement SSC Exam Duty Rates SSC Spot Valuation Rates from 2016

  1. In the G.Os 1st to 3rd read above, Government have issued orders for enhancement of rates of remuneration to the personnel drafted for conducting SSC Public Examinations and spot valuation work of SSC Public Examinations. 
  2. 2. The Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Hyderabad in his letter 4th read above, submitted proposals for enhancement of the existing rates of remuneration payable to the personnel drafted for conducting SSC Public Examinations and spot valuation work of the SSC Examinations. 
  3. 3. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby order for enhancement of rates of remuneration to the personnel drafted for conduct of spot valuation work of SSC Public Examinations, March 2016 onwards as shown below..

SSC Exams Remuneration Rates from 2016

I: Rates of Remuneration to the staff drawn for conducting the SSC Public Examinations:-
SNO Type of functionary Existing Rates (Rs) Revised Rates (Rs)
1 2 3 5
1 Chief Superintendent 40/- per day 44/- per day
2 Departmental Officer / Additional
Departmental Officer
40/- per day 44/- per day
3 Invigilators (One for 20 candidates) 20/- per day 22/- per day
4 Clerks (One for each centre) 20/- per day 22/- per day
5 Attenders (One for each 100 candidates) 12/- per day 13.20 per day
6 Waterman (One for each 50 candidates) 10/- per day 11/- per day
7 Sitting Squads 40/- per day 44/- per day
8 Contingencies 2/- per candidate 4/- per candidate

SSC Spot Valuation Rates from 2016

II: Rates of Remuneration to the staff drawn for conducting spot valuation work of SSC Public Examinations
SNO Type of functionary Existing Rates (Rs) Revised Rates (Rs)
1 2 3 5
1 District Educational Officer and Camp
350/- per day 385/- per day
2 Deputy Camp Officer (Strong Room) 300/- per day 330/- per day
3 Deputy Camp Officer (Administration) 300/- per day 330/- per day
4 Assistant Camp Officer 260/- per day 286/- per day
5 Chief Examiner 240/- per day 264/- per day
6 Assistant Examiner
(Script Valuation)
6/- per script 6.60 per script
7 Special Assistant 125/- per day 137.50 per day
8 Clerical Assistants
Jr. Asst / Sr. Asst / Superintendents
80/- per day 88 per day
9 Office Subordinates / Contingent employees 50/- per day 5.50 per day
10 Paper setter (SSC & Minor Exams) 800/- 880/-
11 Translator (SSC & Minor Exams) 700/- 770/-
12 Moderator (SSC & Minor Exams) 700/- 770/-

  • 3. The above revised rates are effective from SSC Public Examinations, March 2016 onwards. 
  • 4. The Director of Government Examinations, A.P., Hyderabad shall take necessary action accordingly. 
  • 5. This order issued with the concurrence of Finance (FMU.Edn) Dept., vide their U.O.No.55938/48/FMU.Edn.SE/2016, dt.03.03.2016.

GO 23 SSC Exam Duty Rates SSC Spot Valuation Rates from 2016 Download