Rc 3 CCE S-3 5 Percent Spot Valuation Guidelines. CCE - Summativc Examination — III Scripts from class VI — IX 5% validation of VI and evaluation of classes VIII and IX - Conduct of from18-4-2017 to 22-4-2017 — Orders issued — Reg.
1. Announcement of Hon'hle Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh in public meetings.
2. GO.MS No. 82 School Education f Prog-11) Dept.. dt. 29.10.2015 of Govt. of A.P.
3. GO.MS No. 12 School Education (Prou.11) Dept., dt. 25-2-2016 of Govt. of A.P.
4. G.O.M S. No_ 20 School Education (Prog.11) Dept., dt. 28-3-2016 Govt. of AP
5. G.O.N15.No. 41 School Education (Prog.11) Dept.. dt. 7-6-2016 of Govt. of A.P.
6. Proc. Re. No. 3 /13.".C&T/SCER1 /2016. dt. 16-7-2016 of the CSE, A.P.
7. Note tile approval by the CSE. dated 1-3-2017.
All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed to conduct Spot Valuation camp from 18-4-2017 to 22-4-2017 for valuation of VIII and IX answer scripts and 5% validation for classes VI and VII. Appoint Mandal Educational Officers as Camp Officer and appoint subject teachers as evaluators. Further, they are informed to utilize the services all Government and Private Recognized school teachers for smooth and early completion of evaluation work.
Government of Andhra Pradesh. Department of School Education have issued G.O.Ms.No: 82 School Edn. (Prog.l1) Dept. dated 29-10-2015 and G.O.Ms.No: 12 School Edn. (Prog.11) Dept. dated 25-02-2016 for implementation of Examination reforms i.e.. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system from classes VI-IX from the academic year 2016-17 in all the schools irrespective of all managements in the state.
As per G.O.Ms.No. 20 13 (2) (IV_V) and G.O.Ms.No. 105 the summative. I. II and III examinations shall conduct in all the schools irrespective of all managements in the state from academic year 2016-17 and answer scripts of class VIII & IX should be evaluated in the neighboring Mandal duly following the jumbling procedure. The District Educational Officers in the state arc instructed to implement the smooth conduct of answer script valuation and uploading of students performance data on the website. For this purpose all the I),Ii.Os are instructed to constitute the district level and Mandal level committees to monitor the said works.
2. GO.MS No. 82 School Education f Prog-11) Dept.. dt. 29.10.2015 of Govt. of A.P.
3. GO.MS No. 12 School Education (Prou.11) Dept., dt. 25-2-2016 of Govt. of A.P.
4. G.O.M S. No_ 20 School Education (Prog.11) Dept., dt. 28-3-2016 Govt. of AP
5. G.O.N15.No. 41 School Education (Prog.11) Dept.. dt. 7-6-2016 of Govt. of A.P.
6. Proc. Re. No. 3 /13.".C&T/SCER1 /2016. dt. 16-7-2016 of the CSE, A.P.
7. Note tile approval by the CSE. dated 1-3-2017.
Rc 3 CCE S-3 5 Percent Spot Valuation Guidelines Remuneration Details
All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed to conduct Spot Valuation camp from 18-4-2017 to 22-4-2017 for valuation of VIII and IX answer scripts and 5% validation for classes VI and VII. Appoint Mandal Educational Officers as Camp Officer and appoint subject teachers as evaluators. Further, they are informed to utilize the services all Government and Private Recognized school teachers for smooth and early completion of evaluation work.
Government of Andhra Pradesh. Department of School Education have issued G.O.Ms.No: 82 School Edn. (Prog.l1) Dept. dated 29-10-2015 and G.O.Ms.No: 12 School Edn. (Prog.11) Dept. dated 25-02-2016 for implementation of Examination reforms i.e.. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system from classes VI-IX from the academic year 2016-17 in all the schools irrespective of all managements in the state.
As per G.O.Ms.No. 20 13 (2) (IV_V) and G.O.Ms.No. 105 the summative. I. II and III examinations shall conduct in all the schools irrespective of all managements in the state from academic year 2016-17 and answer scripts of class VIII & IX should be evaluated in the neighboring Mandal duly following the jumbling procedure. The District Educational Officers in the state arc instructed to implement the smooth conduct of answer script valuation and uploading of students performance data on the website. For this purpose all the I),Ii.Os are instructed to constitute the district level and Mandal level committees to monitor the said works.
Guidelines for conduct of VIII & IX class validation and 5% validation of Class VI & VII answer scripts
- D.E.O has to conduct meeting with MEOs and other District Level Committee members on modalities of conducting of external validation. Prepare Road map for jumbling procedure of answer scripts valuation for classes VIII & IX.
- Constitute a Mandal level team for verification/validation of 5% of valued answer scripts of all schools in the Mandal for classes VI &. VII.
- Identify of Spot valuation center with good accommodation.
- List out number of I Iigh schools I institutions having classes VI-IX in the Mandal and subject wise number of answer scripts to he evaluated.
- Based on the number of answer scripts appoint sufficient number of evaluator to complete the task in the given time
- Prepare a list of evaluators including Aided and qualified Recognized school teachers in the Mandal and serve orders to the evaluators well in advance.
- Recognized. Private school teachers with a minimum of 3 years service in their respective subject may he appointed as evaluators (the management should issued benefited certificate)..
- For positive running of the schools it is advised to conduct validation Two subjects in 2 days. Remaining teachers will be attended school (1st and 2nd day — Telugu. Hindi: 3rd and 4th Day English, Maths; 5thh and 6th Day Science and Social).
- Rs.200/- will be paid to evaluator per day.
- Contingencies Rs. 3000/- per camp may he allowed.
- Evaluator should evaluate 50 answer scripts per day.
- After correction of each answer script evaluator should entry marks obtained by the student
- MEO should act as a Camp Officer for smooth conduct of Paper valuation and uploading of the data on the website.
- Observe the process of posting of marks as per the academic standards by the evaluator in the prescribed format.
- The bundles will he unsealed in the presence of M.E.O and other committee numbers at the time of allotment of-answer scripts for Evaluation.
- Provide valuation indicators for qualitative validation.
- The Evaluator should enter the marks academic standard wise marks secured by the student in the given format which was printed on part B of question paper.
- After completion of evaluation answer scripts should be bundle neatly to sent back to concerned Mandal / school.
- The M.E.O and concerned school headmaster should take care on uploading of students performance in the online format.
- For 5% of external verification/validation of answer scripts of classes VI. & VII a team of teachers visit the school and verify selected answer scripts.
- 5% validation marks treated as final marks which will he uploaded in the website.
- The total spot valuation and 5% validation should taken this from 18-4-2017 to 22-4-2017 and in the particular mandal where more number of papers available two or three days may he extended for validation.