PUBLIC SERVICE – Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Subordinate Service Rules- 2018 –Orders-Issued. AP Works Accounts Subordinate Service Rules 2018. G.O.MS.No. 92 Dated: 20-06-2018. These rules may be called as the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Subordinate Service Rules 2018. The service shall consist of the following categories of posts in the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Subordinate Service.
AP Works Accounts Subordinate Service Rules 2018
Read the following:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.86, Finance & Planning (FW.WA.I) Department dt.22.5.1998.
- 2. G.O.Ms.No.303, Finance (SMPC) Department, dt.24-04-2003.
- 3. G.O.Ms No.210 Finance (Admn.II) Department dt.27.10.2016.
- 4. From the Director of Works Accounts Lr. No. DWA/VJA/Sn.I/A1/ 2016- 17/393,Dated 04.11.2016.
- 5. File referred to the APPSC vide e-file No.2122/F9/WA/ADmn.II/2015, dt.08-05- 2018.
- 6. APPSC Lr.No.313/RR/2018, dt.05-06-2018.
The following notification will be published in the Andhra Pradesh Gazettee.
1. These rules may be called as the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Subordinate Service Rules 2018.
2. They shall come into force with immediate effect.
2. Constitution:
The service shall consist of the following categories of posts in the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Subordinate Service, namely:
Class A:
Category 1 - Superintendent (Works Accounts) Category 2 - Senior Accountant (Works Accounts) Category 3 - Junior Accountant (Works Accounts)
Class B:
Category 1 - Senior Stenographer (Works Accounts) Category 2 - Junior Stenographer (Works Accounts) Category 3 - Typist (Works Accounts)
3. Method of Appointment & Appointing Authority:
Subject to the other provisions in these rules, the unit and method of appointment for the categories specified in Column (1) of the table below shall be as specified in Column (2 & 3) respectively thereof and the appointing authority shall be as specified in Column (4) in the table of the GO.
In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India and of all other powers hereunto enabling, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following Special Rules for the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Subordinate Services.
AP Works Accounts Subordinate Service Rules 2018
1. Short Title & Commencement:1. These rules may be called as the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Subordinate Service Rules 2018.
2. They shall come into force with immediate effect.
2. Constitution:
The service shall consist of the following categories of posts in the Andhra Pradesh Works Accounts Subordinate Service, namely:
Class A:
Category 1 - Superintendent (Works Accounts) Category 2 - Senior Accountant (Works Accounts) Category 3 - Junior Accountant (Works Accounts)
Class B:
Category 1 - Senior Stenographer (Works Accounts) Category 2 - Junior Stenographer (Works Accounts) Category 3 - Typist (Works Accounts)
3. Method of Appointment & Appointing Authority:
Subject to the other provisions in these rules, the unit and method of appointment for the categories specified in Column (1) of the table below shall be as specified in Column (2 & 3) respectively thereof and the appointing authority shall be as specified in Column (4) in the table of the GO.