Cir.Memo.No.H5/7668/2015 dt: 22/11/2018 Sub:T&A dept: Treasury Procedure-Maintenance of FLY leaf and SLO Registers w.e.f 01-04-2018 even in CFMS for effective Establishment Audit -Instructions - Reiterated- Reg. It is once again reiterated that before passing of online salary bills in CFMS, entries are to be made in the SLO Register/FLY leaves of employees relating to that establishment without fail until further orders
Maintain FLY LEAF SLO registers in CFMS Cir Memo 7668 DTA Instructions
- Personal attention of DDs of (13) districts Treasuries in the state is drawn to the above subject. They are aware that as and when Pay bills/Supplementary bills of employees are passed in HRMS, they are passed only after making relevant entries in SLO Register/Fly leaf of the employees. CFMS has been introduced w.e.f 01-04-2018 and the practice of physical bills is totally dispensed with. But Postings/entries in SLO Registers/Flyleaf required under effective establishment audit/cadre confirmation has not been dispensed with even in CFMS w.e.f 01-04-2018.
- But during regular surprise inSpections of DTA/Annual inspection of district Treasury by JD(SP), it is observed that in most of sub-treasuries, entries in SLO Register/Fly leaf of employees are not being maintained and watch which gives rise to an alarming situation in cadre management issues.
- Hence, it is once again reiterated that before passing of online salary bills in CFMS, entries are to be made in the SLO Register/FLY leaves of employees relating to that establishment without fail until further orders. This is to be adhered as part of ensuring quality establishment audit in the depts.
- The DDS are advised to instruct all the ATOS/STOs under their control to maintain SLO Registers/Flyleaf w.e.f 01-04-2018 and any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously. They should verify this aspect in their annual inspection of Sub-treasuries.