Lr.Roc.No.11021/31/2018 (3396/2017/J3), dated.07-02-2019. Sub:- M.A.Dept. - Municipal Teachers - Guidelines/Instructions for Municipal Teacher Transfers 2018 - Phase-II- Request of Municipal Teachers who are working after rationalization process and not having 2 years of service, to consider for transfers - Government issued certain instructions - Regarding. All the RDMAs and Commissioners of GVMC and VMC are instructed to take further necessary action in the matter accordingly and complete the entire process of transfers on request within the District, as per the eligible criteria furnished below, on or before 10.02.2019
Municipal Teachers Transfers Completion of Transfers Rc 11021/31/2018 (3396/2017/J3)
- Sub:- M.A.Dept. - Municipal Teachers - Guidelines/Instructions for Municipal Teacher Transfers 2018 - Phase-II- Request of Municipal Teachers who are working after rationalization process and not having 2 years of service, to consider for transfers - Government issued certain instructions - Regarding.
- 1) G.O.Rt.No.507, MA&UD (Dl) Dept., dt.16.0S.2018
- 2) Representations of certain Teacher Union's I Teachers.
- 3) This office Lr.Roc.No.3396/2017113dt.29.06 , .2018 addressed to Govt.
- 4) This office Lr.Roc.No.3396/20 17113,dated.06.07.20 18 addressed to Govt.
- 5) Govt. Memo.No.C-533183/Dl/2018 dt.06.08.2018.
- 6) Govt. Memo.No.C-533183/Dl/2018 dt.19.09.2018.
- 7) This office Lr.Roc.No.ll 021/31/2018 (3396/2017/B), dt.27.09.20 18
- 8) G.O.Rt.No.1137, MA&UD (DI) Dept., dU8.12.2018.
- 9) This office Cir.Roc.No.l 1021/3 112018 (3396/2017/B), dt.10.01.2019.
- 10) This office Cir.Roc.No.ll 021/3112018 (3396/2017/B), dt.19.0 1.2019.
- 11)Representation of certain teachers and teacher unions.
- 12) As per the instructions of the DMA, teleconference conducted with all the ROMAs on 21.01.2019.
- 13) This office Cir.Roc.No.l1 021/3112018 (3396/2017113),dt.22.0 1.2019.
- 14) This office Lr.Roc.No.11021/31/2018 (3396/2017/13), dt.26.01.2019.
- 15) email dated.28.0 1.2018 received from the RDMA, Guntur and Rajahmahendravaram.
- 16) Lr.Roc.No.07/2019/A3, dt.28.01.2019 of the RDMA, Ananthapuramu.
- 17) Representation from certain Teacher Union.
- 18) This office Lr.Roc.No.11021/31/20 18 (3396/20 17/B), dt.3l.0 1.2019.
- 19) Govt.Memo.No.605936/Dl/2017 MA&UD (DI) Dept., dt.O5.02.2019.
- I invite your attention to the referenc;s-clted. In the reference 18th cited, Government has been requested to issue necessary orders on the request of the Municipal Teachers with regard to consideration of the request of Municipal Teachers those who were found to be surplus during rationalization process and shifted from their own school and posted to new school and continued to work in the new school and drawing salary in the new school and not completed 2 years of service in the new school as on 30.06.2018, in Phase-Il Transfers (GO.507).
- 2. In the reference 19th cited (copy enclosed), Government after careful consideration of the matter have relaxed the condition that the applicant should have a minimum tenure of 2 years in the present place of posting, in the case of those who have been shifted to new school due to rationalization exercise and requested the DMA to take further necessary action in the matter accordingly, immediately.
- 3. Therefore, all the RDMAs and Commissioners of GVMC and VMC are hereby instructed to take further necessary action in the matter accordingly and complete the entire process of transfers on request within the District, as per the eligible criteria furnished below, on or before 10.02.2019, without fail. Further, they are also informed that, the physical format of earlier transfer application will be used for this transfer request. Eligible Teachers shall submit the transfer application along with necessary enclosures-to the concerned MCs and inturn the MCs will submit the same to the RDMAs concerned with left over vacancy position of different cadres. The instructions/guidelines issued in this office Cir.Roc.No.1102113112018 (3396/20 17!13), dt.10.01.2019 holds good.
- i) Teachers who were found surplus during rationalization process, shifted along with post to a new school.
- ii) Teachers who are drawing salary in the new school.
- iii) Teachers who have not completed (2) years of service in the present school as on 30.06.2018 and not considered for transfer under G.0.507 within district in the recent counseling from 25.01.2019 to 29.01.2019.