Honorarium to Aaya and Guidelines for Utilization of Toilet Maintenance Fund in Schools. School Education Department - MDM – Engaging of Sanitary workers in the Government Schools / Government Junior Colleges duly meeting the Honorarium from the Ammavodi funds donated by the Unique mothers Guidelines - Orders – Issued. SCHOOL EDUCATION (PROG.I) DEPARTMENT G.O.MS.No. 22 Dated: 12-03-2021.
These materials will be procured by the office of Director, Mid-Day Meal & School Sanitation, through e-procurement by calling tenders to maintain uniform quality and to invite reputed national level companies. The materials will be delivered at the Mandal points and the MEOs/ RIOS shall facilitate the delivery of the material to the school points.
As the procedure of procurement may take time, the parents committee/CDC will procure one cleaning mop and bathroom cleaner cum sanitizer concentrate locally for toilet maintenance for the month of March.
b. The District Level Monitoring Committee members will monitor the programme at the district level.
The district Level Monitoring Committee shall meet every month to review the progress.
c. With regard to School/ Junior College level monitoring, Designated teachers/ designated lecturers or Head Masters/ Principals shall upload photos of the toilets every day between 10 am to 11 am through the IMMS Mobile App.
d. Educational Assistants shall inspect the toilet complex and fill the data in mobile app thrice in a week. Dy.E.O and MEOs shall undertake random inspections and upload through the App and generate tickets for rectification of the defects by HM/ Principal. Likewise, Counterparts in Intermediate Education will take up inspections.
e. The photos uploaded using IMMS app will be processed using Artificial intelligence Technology to identify and categorize the toilets cleanliness status as ‘good or bad'. The status of toilet cleanliness shall reflect on the mobile app as well as on the dashboard of the web portal.
f. The Dash board developed for monitoring the status shall be utilized effectively officials at various levels.
g. Mandal level trainings shall be conducted for all the stake holders and for the Aayas on various aspects associated with the programme within a fortnight. Download the Complete GO for Details
The Parents committees/ CDCs of the schools/ Jr. Colleges where these funds are available, shall make resolution and transfer it to DTMF. District Collectors shall review this with DEO/ DVEOs in District Level Monitoring Committee meeting.
These funds from voluntary donation shall be transferred to DTMF duly making the pending honorarium, if any since reopening of Schools/ Junior Colleges after COVID-19 with proper resolution.
District Level Monitoring Committee can decide payments of honorarium from DTMF to the sanitary workers duly engaged by Parents committee since reopening of schools/Junior Colleges after COVID-19 but not paid so far due to non-availability of Ammavodi donations or non - transfer of Ammavodi donations funds from DEO office with proper justification from HMs concerned.
The amount of Honorarium per month from school reopening till January, 2021 will be as per earlier orders and the amount of honorarium from February 1 onwards will be as per this Government Order.
17. The amount payable to the suppliers of the cleaning agents and tools will be intimated to concerned District Collectors by Director MDM & SS and payments have to be made accordingly from DTMF.

Guidelines for Honorarium to Aaya and Utilization of Toilet Maintenance Fund in Schools
From the Director, MDM & School Sanitation, AP., Lr.No.ESE02- 27023/1/2020-MDM-CSE, dt:04.02.2021.
From the Director, MDM & School Sanitation, AP., Lr.No.ESE02- 27023/1/2020-MDM-CSE, dt:04.02.2021.
In the reference read above, the Director, MDM & School Sanitation, AP., has submitted that, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has setup the Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF) for maintaining cleanliness of the Toilets, Urinals, dress change room, wash basins and other associated items of the toilet complexes in all the Government schools and all the Government Junior Colleges in Rural and Urban areas. The creation of TMF is a revolutionary concept and first of its kind in India and probably the largest fund created exclusively for maintenance of toilets in Government schools/ Junior Colleges. The vision of creating the TMF is as follows.
3. Government, after careful examination, hereby accept the above proposal of the Director, MDM for engaging Sanitary workers in the Government Schools / Government Junior Colleges towards maintenance of toilets in the Schools and Junior Colleges duly meeting the Honorarium from the Ammavodi funds donated by the Unique mothers. The Guidelines in this regard are annexed appended to this G.O.
2. In all Government Schools and all Government Junior colleges, toilet care taker here after called as Ayah shall be positioned for the purpose of cleaning and up-keeping the toilets clean and to set standards.
3. The parents Committees/ College Development Committees (CDC) will engage Aaya for toilet cleaning based on the students strength, as follows:
6. The Parents committee/ CDC will engage the Aayas for a period of 12 months initially and the parents committee/ CDC may extend the services of the Aaya on mutual consent and on the basis of performance of the Aaya. The parents committee may enter an MoU with Aaya.
7. Parents Committee / CDC can terminate the Aaya based on the reasons like non-performance, conduct Issues etc. with one-month advance notice. The resolution with reasons should be recorded in the Parents Committees / CDC minutes book. Parents committee/ CDC shall constitute the Toilet maintenance committee to select Ayas as per the Eligibility criteria prescribed above in a transparent manner and to monitor the toilet maintenance with the following members. The Committee shall meet once in a fortnight and review the toilets maintenance.
In the reference read above, the Director, MDM & School Sanitation, AP., has submitted that, the Government of Andhra Pradesh has setup the Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF) for maintaining cleanliness of the Toilets, Urinals, dress change room, wash basins and other associated items of the toilet complexes in all the Government schools and all the Government Junior Colleges in Rural and Urban areas. The creation of TMF is a revolutionary concept and first of its kind in India and probably the largest fund created exclusively for maintenance of toilets in Government schools/ Junior Colleges. The vision of creating the TMF is as follows.
- “The professional and scientific maintenance of the toilets and school/college premises in all Government and Government aided schools/colleges through optimal utilization of financial and human resources and through School/College Committees participation in order to provide the best hygienic conditions to the students to promote their health & self-esteem and thereby contribute to the improved learning outcomes”.
3. Government, after careful examination, hereby accept the above proposal of the Director, MDM for engaging Sanitary workers in the Government Schools / Government Junior Colleges towards maintenance of toilets in the Schools and Junior Colleges duly meeting the Honorarium from the Ammavodi funds donated by the Unique mothers. The Guidelines in this regard are annexed appended to this G.O.
Guidelines for Engaging of Sanitary workers in the Government Schools / Government Junior Colleges
1. The Parents, through the parents committee/ College Development Committee, will play a major and active role in maintaining toilets in Government schools and all Government Junior Colleges under TMF. The other stake holders include the Headmasters/ Principals, the designated teachers / Lecturers, Educational Assistants in the Gram & ward Sachivalayam, Students, officials of the Education department and other relevant officials.2. In all Government Schools and all Government Junior colleges, toilet care taker here after called as Ayah shall be positioned for the purpose of cleaning and up-keeping the toilets clean and to set standards.
3. The parents Committees/ College Development Committees (CDC) will engage Aaya for toilet cleaning based on the students strength, as follows:
- i. Upto 300 students 1 Aaya
- ii. 301 to 600 students 2 Aayas
- iii. 601 to 900 students 3 Aayas
- iv. More than 900 4 Aayas
- v No Aaya shall be positioned if there are no toilets in the school. Once toilets are constructed, Aaya shall be positioned
- i. The Ayas shall be woman and the resident of local habitation in rural areas and the resident within ward in case of urban areas (Municipal corporations and Municipalities). In case of boy’s toilets in Jr. Colleges, male sanitary worker may be engaged by CDC.
- ii. Preference shall be given to SC/ST/BC/Minorities
- iii. She shall be preferably one of the mothers of the students studying in the School
- iv. She shall be in the age group of 21-50 years
- v. Existing /working Aayas shall continue with the approval of Parents committee/CDC, if the existing Aaya is less than 60 years age. (However, they also enter into MoU with Parents committee / College Development Committee)
Payment of Honororium for Aayas in Schools
5. Further, It is to be noted that, the Aayas shall be engaged for rendering their service by the parents committee/ CDC only and they are not engaged by either the Government or the Schools. The Aayas are engaged by the parents committee/ College Development Committee for maintaining the toilets for the welfare of the students of the parents in the respective schools/ Jr Colleges. The parents committee/ College Development Committee may give the honorarium of Rs.6000/- in both rural and urban areas. The Honorarium may be paid full for 10 months and may be paid half for two months during vacation. The Aayas shall clean the toilets once in a day during the vacation also.6. The Parents committee/ CDC will engage the Aayas for a period of 12 months initially and the parents committee/ CDC may extend the services of the Aaya on mutual consent and on the basis of performance of the Aaya. The parents committee may enter an MoU with Aaya.
7. Parents Committee / CDC can terminate the Aaya based on the reasons like non-performance, conduct Issues etc. with one-month advance notice. The resolution with reasons should be recorded in the Parents Committees / CDC minutes book. Parents committee/ CDC shall constitute the Toilet maintenance committee to select Ayas as per the Eligibility criteria prescribed above in a transparent manner and to monitor the toilet maintenance with the following members. The Committee shall meet once in a fortnight and review the toilets maintenance.
- i. Head Master / Principal Convenor
- ii. Three PC members (Chair-person, two active members) members
- iii. Engg. Asst from Grama/Ward Sachivalayam members
- iv. Educational asst from Grama/Ward Sachivalayam members
- v. One designated teacher/ Lecturer member
- vi. One female teacher member
- vii. One senior Girl student member
- viii. One senior boy student member
These materials will be procured by the office of Director, Mid-Day Meal & School Sanitation, through e-procurement by calling tenders to maintain uniform quality and to invite reputed national level companies. The materials will be delivered at the Mandal points and the MEOs/ RIOS shall facilitate the delivery of the material to the school points.
As the procedure of procurement may take time, the parents committee/CDC will procure one cleaning mop and bathroom cleaner cum sanitizer concentrate locally for toilet maintenance for the month of March.
Monitoring the School Sanitation program:
a. State level monitoring committee comprising of the members will monitor effective usage of TMF at the state levelb. The District Level Monitoring Committee members will monitor the programme at the district level.
The district Level Monitoring Committee shall meet every month to review the progress.
c. With regard to School/ Junior College level monitoring, Designated teachers/ designated lecturers or Head Masters/ Principals shall upload photos of the toilets every day between 10 am to 11 am through the IMMS Mobile App.
d. Educational Assistants shall inspect the toilet complex and fill the data in mobile app thrice in a week. Dy.E.O and MEOs shall undertake random inspections and upload through the App and generate tickets for rectification of the defects by HM/ Principal. Likewise, Counterparts in Intermediate Education will take up inspections.
e. The photos uploaded using IMMS app will be processed using Artificial intelligence Technology to identify and categorize the toilets cleanliness status as ‘good or bad'. The status of toilet cleanliness shall reflect on the mobile app as well as on the dashboard of the web portal.
f. The Dash board developed for monitoring the status shall be utilized effectively officials at various levels.
g. Mandal level trainings shall be conducted for all the stake holders and for the Aayas on various aspects associated with the programme within a fortnight. Download the Complete GO for Details
Utilisation of TMF Funds
16. The funds received as voluntary donations by mothers from the previous year Ammavodi scheme are available with the District Educational Officers/DVEOs /Schools. All these funds should be verified in DEO office/DVEO /in schools / Junior Colleges and to be transferred to the DTMF with proper records and registers.The Parents committees/ CDCs of the schools/ Jr. Colleges where these funds are available, shall make resolution and transfer it to DTMF. District Collectors shall review this with DEO/ DVEOs in District Level Monitoring Committee meeting.
These funds from voluntary donation shall be transferred to DTMF duly making the pending honorarium, if any since reopening of Schools/ Junior Colleges after COVID-19 with proper resolution.
District Level Monitoring Committee can decide payments of honorarium from DTMF to the sanitary workers duly engaged by Parents committee since reopening of schools/Junior Colleges after COVID-19 but not paid so far due to non-availability of Ammavodi donations or non - transfer of Ammavodi donations funds from DEO office with proper justification from HMs concerned.
The amount of Honorarium per month from school reopening till January, 2021 will be as per earlier orders and the amount of honorarium from February 1 onwards will be as per this Government Order.
17. The amount payable to the suppliers of the cleaning agents and tools will be intimated to concerned District Collectors by Director MDM & SS and payments have to be made accordingly from DTMF.