AP SA-2 Time Table 2023 Summative Exams 2023 / CBA-3 Time Table for 1-9th Classes Released. AP SA-2 / CBA-3 Blue Print, AP SA-2 Syllabus 2023, CBA-3 Exam Schedule Released. School Education – SCERT AP – Class Room Based Assessment 3/ Summative Assessment 2– Timetable and blueprint – Communication – Reg.
Rc.No. SE02/316/2023-SCERT Dated:30/03/2023
SA-2 Time Table 2023 / CBA-3 TimeTable for AP Summative Exams 2023 by APSCERT Time Table for 1-9th Classes
Sub: School Education - SCERT - Summative Assessment 2 - Half a day schools - Change of timings - Orders - Issued
Ref: 1. Procs.Rc.No. SE02/316/2023-SCERT Dated:30/03/2023
2. Procg.Rc.No. ESE02-30027/2/2023-A&I dated: 01/04/2023
The kind attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference 2nd cited above wherein certain instructions have been given for the functioning of schools from 3rd April 2023 onwards. Further, it is aware that, in the reference 1st cited above, orders have been issued to conduct the 3rd Classroom-Based Assessment/Summative Assessment 2 for the academic year 2022-23, commencing from April 20, 2023, across the state prescribing the timings for both forenoon and afternoon.
In view of the above, it has been decided to conduct the Summative Assessment 2 for all classes, i.e., from classes I to IX, during the forenoon only i.e, from 9.00 am to 12,00 noon and the revised schedule is herewith communicated (Annexure) for taking necessary action in this regard.
The schedule and blueprint are annexed herewith.
Overall, the blueprint of CBA-1 and CBA-2 remained the same in terms of the type and number of questions assessed in each class. However, since the CBA-3 is a summative assessment the number of questions was increased in higher grades. Based on the evaluation of past summative papers, with the lower grades, the number of questions was not changed significantly.
In consideration of the feedback received during CBA-1 and CBA-2, it was decided
to simplify the paper by including more straightforward questions. For this, the MUA balance was changed in CBA-3 and the details of the same are given below.
Another highlight of the CBA-3 papers will be the use of Identical Repeats from CBA-1 and CBA-2 to help gauge the incremental improvement between the three assessments.
Table 1: Classes and Subjects that will be tested
Rc.No. SE02/316/2023-SCERT Dated:30/03/2023
SA-2 Time Table 2023 / CBA-3 TimeTable for AP Summative Exams 2023 by APSCERT Time Table for 1-9th Classes
SA-2 Time Table 2022 Summative Exams 2022 Time Table for 1-9th Classes
Procs. Rc.No. SE02/316/2023-SCERT Dated:30/03/2023
Sub: School Education – SCERT AP – Class Room Based Assessment 3/ Summative Assessment 2– Timetable and blueprint – Communication – Reg.
Sub: School Education – SCERT AP – Class Room Based Assessment 3/ Summative Assessment 2– Timetable and blueprint – Communication – Reg.
1. Academic calendar 2022-23
2. Rc. No: ESE02/591/2022-SCERT Date:23/11/2022
All Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are informed that it has been decided to conduct the 3rd classroom-based assessment/ Summative Assessment 2 in the academic year 2022-23, from 20.04.2023, across the state.
Classroom-based assessments 1 and 2 have been completed in the academic year 2022-23, and the results are being analyzed for further remedial action. As decided earlier, the third classroom-based assessment is being conducted as per the blueprint, and the MUA balance is being maintained as specifed in the annexure.
To familiarize class IX students with the SSC exam pattern, it has been decided to conduct the Summative Assessment 2 in the SSC public exam model, with a 100 marks scheme, and in a 6-paper system. All the DCEBs are requested to instruct the teachers to post the marks for class IX students by reducing them to 80 marks in the SA2 marks entry registers and web portal.
2. Rc. No: ESE02/591/2022-SCERT Date:23/11/2022
All Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are informed that it has been decided to conduct the 3rd classroom-based assessment/ Summative Assessment 2 in the academic year 2022-23, from 20.04.2023, across the state.
Classroom-based assessments 1 and 2 have been completed in the academic year 2022-23, and the results are being analyzed for further remedial action. As decided earlier, the third classroom-based assessment is being conducted as per the blueprint, and the MUA balance is being maintained as specifed in the annexure.
To familiarize class IX students with the SSC exam pattern, it has been decided to conduct the Summative Assessment 2 in the SSC public exam model, with a 100 marks scheme, and in a 6-paper system. All the DCEBs are requested to instruct the teachers to post the marks for class IX students by reducing them to 80 marks in the SA2 marks entry registers and web portal.
SA-2 Revised Time Table 2023
Rc.No. SE02/316/2023-SCERT Dated:01/04/2023Sub: School Education - SCERT - Summative Assessment 2 - Half a day schools - Change of timings - Orders - Issued
Ref: 1. Procs.Rc.No. SE02/316/2023-SCERT Dated:30/03/2023
2. Procg.Rc.No. ESE02-30027/2/2023-A&I dated: 01/04/2023
The kind attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference 2nd cited above wherein certain instructions have been given for the functioning of schools from 3rd April 2023 onwards. Further, it is aware that, in the reference 1st cited above, orders have been issued to conduct the 3rd Classroom-Based Assessment/Summative Assessment 2 for the academic year 2022-23, commencing from April 20, 2023, across the state prescribing the timings for both forenoon and afternoon.
In view of the above, it has been decided to conduct the Summative Assessment 2 for all classes, i.e., from classes I to IX, during the forenoon only i.e, from 9.00 am to 12,00 noon and the revised schedule is herewith communicated (Annexure) for taking necessary action in this regard.
AP SA-2 Revised TimeT able for Primary and upto IX
SA2 Time table 2022-23 | ||
Date | Classes 1 to 5 ( 9.00 a.m to 12.00 Noon) |
Classes 6 to 9 ( 9.00 a.m to12.00 Noon) |
20.04.2023 | First Language | First Language |
24.04.2023 | English | Second Language |
25.04.2023 | Maths | English |
26.04.2023 | EVS(3,4,5) | Maths |
27.04.2023 | OSSC(3,4,5) | General Science |
28.04.2023 | Social Studies | |
29.04.2023 | www.apteachers.in | Composite course I&II (After completing paper I, Paper II may be conducted) |
Note: Timings for class IX - 9.00 a.m to 12.15 p.m |
The schedule and blueprint are annexed herewith.
Difference beteeen CBA-1, CBA-2 and CBA-3
Overall, the blueprint of CBA-1 and CBA-2 remained the same in terms of the type and number of questions assessed in each class. However, since the CBA-3 is a summative assessment the number of questions was increased in higher grades. Based on the evaluation of past summative papers, with the lower grades, the number of questions was not changed significantly.In consideration of the feedback received during CBA-1 and CBA-2, it was decided
to simplify the paper by including more straightforward questions. For this, the MUA balance was changed in CBA-3 and the details of the same are given below.
Class | Subjects | CBA-3 MUA balance |
Class 1 – 5 | Mathematics, EVS | 50:40:10 |
Class 6 – 8 | Mathematics, Science, Social Science | 40:40:20 |
All Grades | English, Telugu, Hindi | 30:40:30 |
Classroom Based Assessments - 3 (CBA 3).
The classes and subjects that will be tested for the CBA 3 are mentioned in the table below:Class | Subjects |
Class 1 – 2 | English, Mathematics and Telugu |
Class 3 – 5 | EVS, Mathematics, English, and Telugu |
Class 6 – 8 | General Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, English, Telugu and Hindi |
CBA-3 Activity and Description and Weightage of Marks and Execution
Activity: Textbook Mapping Mapping of the learning outcomes and concepts from the Andhra Pradesh curriculum textbooks to the skill blueprint. Blueprint Creation Type of questions: Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) Free Response Questions (FRs) Distribution of MCQs and FRs: |
Class | Subjects | Number of MCQs | Number of FRs | Duration | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 and 2 | All Subjects | 10 | 5 | 2.5 hours | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3, 4 and 5 | All Subjects | 15 | 5 | 2.5 hours | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6, 7 and 8* | All Subjects | 25 | 5 | 2.5 hours (15 minutes reading time) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
All the questions for classes 1-3 will be read aloud by the teachers. In Class 4 and 5, language papers, one passage will be read aloud by the teachers. Grade 6 Hindi paper will have 20 MCQs and 10 FRs to lower the difficulty level of the paper. 2. Mechanical, Understanding, Application (MUA) Questions Balance: To measure the learning to date and determine the student learning needs, it is essential to use the right instruments. The instruments should have a balance of items in terms of cognitive domain along with content domain being tested. The questions used in the assessments are characterized on the basis of the cognitive ability they demand for solving them. The questions are classified as Mechanical(M), Understanding(U) and Application(A) based questions. Considering the nature of the assessments and in order to simplify the paper, CBA3 is developed with the modified MUA balance as follows. MUA Mechanical(M), Understanding(U) and Application(A) paper balance:
Percentage of Application questions was reduced to 10% in the lower grades to ensure that more straightforward questions are asked in the paper. However, for language papers this was kept as 30% as Free-response questions are descriptive writing questions and hence categorized as Application-based questions. Depending on the topics being tested, there might be +/- 10% variation in the MUA balance in the test papers. It was given more weightage to understanding questions for certain concepts to get meaningful insights. Difficulty level: The difficulty level of the assessment tools will be maintained between 50-55%. It was also ensured that 70% of the paper is similar to what the students are familiar with based on past assessments and eventually build their capacity on MCQ-based assessments. Identical Repeats: In the Classroom Based Assessment - 3 papers, 20% of Identical Repeats (IRs) were used. This 20% will comprise the questions from Classroom Based Assessment - 1 and Classroom Based Assessment - 2 round to help gauge the incremental improvement between the three assessments. Marking Scheme: The following marking scheme is adopted after consideration of past papers, duration of the assessments and total marks allotted to each grade-subject.
1. Teacher training: Before the conduction of CBAs, webinars will be conducted to familiarise teachers with the test conduction process. 2. Test Conduction 5. Data Analysis 1. Data Collection: 1. OMR Scanning 2. Data Analysis: Analysis will be carried out at different level and reports would be generated. Reports:
1. Data Dissemination: The data will be disseminated at different level through reports and webinars.