Municipal Schools Cadre Strength Municipal Schools DDO Powers Mapping All Orders

Municipal Schools Cadre Municipal Schools DDO Powers Mapping All Orders

Endt No: FIN02-18067/3/2022-H SEC-DTA 06/03/2023

Copy of the letter Lr.Rc.No.13/26/2022-EST(3)7-CSE, dated 24-12-2022 and 23-02-2023 of Commissioner of School Education along with Annexures and G.O.Ms.No.84 MA&UD(D1) Department, dated 24-06-2022, G.O.Ms.No.182, MA&UD (D1) Department, dated 29-11-2022 and Memo No. 13/26/2022-EST(3)7- CSE, School Education Department, dated 02-12-2022 are herewith communicated for information and necessary action and all the DTAOs, ATOs and STOs are instructed to take necessary action so as to maintain distinction among the personnel of different units. They are requested to co-ordinate with erstwhile Treasury Officers and exercise utmost care with respect to SLO and Fly leaf entries.
Further, if there is any discrepancy in Cadre Strength, the same may be contested and necessary information may be obtained from the concerned department before allowing claims

Municipal Schools Cadre Municipal Schools DDO Powers Mapping All Orders 

The Orders Available are listed Below :

GO Number and Date GO Title Subject
GO 84 Dated 24.6.2022 MA & UD Dept - Teachers Establishment - Entrustment of supervision and administration responsibilities of the Municipal Schools to Education Deaprtment on par with the system being followed in the respect of Govt & Panchayat Raj Schools
GO Ms No 182 Dated 29.11.2022 MA & UD Dept Municipal Teachers - Entrustment of administrative responsibilities of the Municipal to School Education Department - Consideration of revised Cadre Strength and to Mapping of the cadre strength of Municipal Teachers with the cadre strength of school Education department for drawing the salaries of Municipal Teachers through School Education Department - amentment - Orders
Memo No 13/26/2022-EST [3] -7 CSE Dated 2.12.2022 Entrustment of Supervision and Administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Shools to the School Education Department - Consideration of revised cadre strength and to mapping of the cadre strength of Municipal Teachers with the Cadre strength of School Education Department for drawing the salaries of Municipal Teachers through the School Education Deaprtment Amendment Orders
Lr Rc No 13/26/2022 Dated 24.12.2022 Request to map the cadre strength of Municipal Teachers working in Municipal Primary Schools / Upper Primary Schools/ High Schools / Non sanction of Panel Grade Head Master posts to the Mandal Educational Officers / Deputy Ispector of Schools in the State for drawing the salaries of Municipal Teachers through the School Education Department.
Lr Rc No 13/26/2022 Dated 23.02.2022 Request to map the cadre strength of Municipal Teachers working in Municipal High Schools to their respective Head Masters in the state for the purpose of drawing salaries of Municipal Teachers through the School Education Department. (Municipal Schools: School Wise Cadre Strengths Memo)
Total 36530 Schools Cadre Strength Data across all Municipalities Schoosl in the State
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