August Month School Complex Agenda Items - Video Links Discussion Points

August Month School Complex Agenda Items - Video Links Discussion Points. The August Month School Complex meetings are going to be held on 28th and 29th August as per the School Comlex Schedule Released by CSE

The Agenda Items, Time Table, Discussion Points for the August Month School Complex Meetings are released.

August Month School Complex Agenda Items - Video Links Discussion Points

Agenda for Month of July – All School Complexes
Time Dur Agenda Points
09:00-09:10 10 min Prayer (Vandemataram)
09:10-09:30 20 min Session-1: Minutes of last meeting to be discussed, Message from PS & Session by DEOs
09:30-10:30 60 min Session-2: Discussion - Analysis of FA-1 results, misconceptions identified, and strategy for remediation.
10:30 - 10:45 15 min Break
10:45 - 11:45 60 min Session-3: Introduction of different types of assessments and different types of question formats (Training)
11:45 - 12:45 60 min Session-4: Orientation on different aspects of Teach Tool.
12:45 -01:45 60 min Lunch Break
01:45 -02:45 60 min Session-5: Recall of last month activities and understanding numeracy and pre-math in foundational schools
02:45 - 03:45 60 min Session-6: Orientation about use of Social Audit findings for taking actions for improving own school
03:45 – 04:15 30 min Session-7: Guidelines for maintenance of Laboratories. Briefing on Shalasiddhi portal
04:15 - 04:30 15 min Tea Break
04:30 – 05:00 30 min Session-8: Other Topics / Plan for next month

All the RJDSE,DEOs and APCs in the state are hereby informed to conduct school complex training at the complex level without any deviation and ensure 100% attendance in all school complexes.

Don’ts in the Complex Trainings:
  • 1. No Union Meeting Discussions
  • 2. No Discussions on service matter, No personnel discussions
  • 3. No felicitation activities like transfers, promotions, no meeting with shawls and garland
4. No personnel parties, birthday parties, no visits, no site seeing programmes

Session-3: Introduction to Different Types of Assessments and Question Formats

10-45 TO 11-45
Teachers often wonder if students are grasping concepts effectively. Tests serve as tools for teachers to gauge understanding, revealing what and how well students have learned, along with areas of difficulty. However, tests are just one facet of assessments. 

Teachers must recognize various assessment types, which, when employed thoughtfully, offer valuable insights for students, teachers, and policymakers. These assessments play a crucial role in education, aiding preparation for students' encounters with diverse evaluation methods throughout their academic journey.

Types of Assessments:

Assessments at Different Stages of Instruction:

Learning, in typical academic settings, is a continuous cycle. Assessments can be used at different stages in this cycle. Assessments that are conducted before the instruction starts are called diagnostic assessments. Assessments that are conducted during the instruction period are formative assessments and those that are conducted after are known as summative assessments. There are also specifically designed assessments to evaluate the impact of special learning intervention programs. These are called impact assessments.

Assessments Based on Reporting Methods:
Assessments can differ from each other depending on the method they use to report the results. There are two widely used reporting methods - norm-referenced and criterion-referenced. Let us take a brief look at these two methods of reporting assessment results.

Types of Question Format:


Assessments Based on Method of Conduction:

Assessments categorised based on when it takes place in the different stages of instruction, the reporting method and the type of questions used. We will now look at one more category of assessments and the category is the method in which an assessment is conducted. Under this category, there are standardized assessments that are conducted in a formal setting with standardized practices, and there are non- standardized assessments which are conducted in an informal setting in an individualised manner.

In conclusion, assessments are essential tools in education for measuring learning outcomes. The choice of assessment type and question format depends on the learning goals, the level of understanding being evaluated, and the resources available for grading. Balancing different assessment methods can provide a comprehensive view of students' knowledge and skills.

Session-4: Session Plan for Complex Meeting Objective Teachtool 

Teachers will be able to get an understanding of the indicators on the Teach observation tool.
● Teachers will be able to look at the state wide data and reflect on areas they are doing well and can do better.
● Teachers will be able to learn strategies on areas of improvement in the Teachtool.

Duration: 60 minutes

Session flow: 
The session may be progressed in a defined manner as follows,

S.No Facilitatoraction ParticipantAction Allottedti me
1 Introduction
The facilitator will ask participants the question
‘What according to you is good education?’.
Facilitator will arrive at the point that people will have various ideas of good education because of their own experience. However, for the teachers to be able to progress and teach in a standardised manner researchers have developed the Teach tool as a benchmark accounting for different aspects of teaching.
Multiple responses willbe taken fromparticipant s.
5mnts 2mnts
2 Teachtool over view
The facilitator will give introduction of the Teachtool (Facilitator may read this document prior to the session for reference-
Participants will listen closely 6mnts
B. The facilitator will project an overview video of the teach tool and use this to give an introduction   of    the  Teach tool.(Overview of Teachtool) 8mnts
3 Understanding State performance in Teachtool

Post video presentation the facilitator will  ask  the  teachers  a  couple of questions such as, what was your take away from the video, In the mentioned elements which one do  you    think you are doing better?

For which element do you feel you need support for? etc.

Facilitator will showcase/project the State performance on Teachtool (State performance on teach Click Here) Facilitator will emphasise the highest and lowest performing element in the state.

Facilitator will ask the teachers to share the best practices they follow in th ehighest performing element. As a follow up question then facilitator will ask  what  can  be  the  reasons  for the teachers to perform poorly in the lowest performing element, And how can they improve
Participants will answer the questions promptly.
B. Participants will listen closely. 4mnts
C. An active discussion will take place among the facilitator and the teachers 15 mnts
4. Remedialaction

Facilitator will show the video of one of the element lowest performing element- Critical thinking
Facilitator will inform that these kinds of videos and learning materials will be provided to the teachers who wereobservedatleastonce.Thesesresourcemater ialscanbetakenasreferenceandimplement the practices in the classroom
7mnts 2mnts
5. Conclusion
Facilitator will conclude the session by informing the teachers that the observations will be continued to identify the area in which the teachers require    support   and accordingly coaching,training and learning materials will be provided to the teachers. And the upcoming complex meetings also will be taken as a platform for peer learning to share best practices and to raise and address concerns.

Session-5: Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation- FLN Program for School Complex.

Introduction: ‘Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation’(SALT)is a state-wide program by the Samagra Shiksha State Implementation Society, Government of Andhra Pradesh that aims to improve the quality and management of foundational learning and elementary and secondary education across all districts of the state.

The program is funded by the World Bank and will be implemented by the government Pratham has been  selected as a consultant to provide technical support to the Samagra Shiksha State Implementation Society, Govt of Andhra Pradesh for early childhood education to improve foundational learning of children aged 3 to 8 as part of the SALT Program.

The program is a 4 year partnership that will run from 2022 to 2026 Pratham will aim to implement the SALT program through localized, state-context-aligned activities and innovations for improving the quality of education in Anganwadis and Grades 1and 2 in government schools.

This will be done,inpart,through
(i) the development of a transformational roadmap for the early childhood education and foundational learning continuum,
(ii) building the capacities of Anganwadi workers and early grade teachers, and
(iii) developing model Anganwadi centers and primary schools across all districts of the state As part of the capacity building for Anganwadi workers and early-grade teachers, two certificate courses are being created –
(i) 120 Day Certificate Course for Anganwadi Workers and
(ii) 60 Day Certificate Course for Grade1and 2 Teachers.
These courses will contain four key modules:Play-based learning in Anganwadis / Early Grade Classrooms;

Parent and Community Engagement for Child’s Learning; Assessment in Pre school Years /Early Years; Inclusive Practices and Care in Anganwadis / Early Years  Month: August About FLN sessions in School complex meetings: 60mins As part of school complex meetings, we will cover the following points: Agenda:
  • About Pre-Math activities, invite parents to FLN activities, DRP training of Gnana Jyothi & Prakash.
  • Recall last month's School complex training activities and best practices.
  1. We will begin with an energizer activity called Zinga to warm up and have some fun.
  2. We will recall last month’s School complex discussion points for 5mins.
  3. We will discuss the achievements, challenges, etc., of the last one month based on the last meeting. Will take best practice case studies 2-3.
Play-Based pedagogy:
  1. About pre-math
  2. As per policy, the timetable for math sessions.
Coordination with Anganwadi
  1. Discussion on training that happens in the September of Gnana Jyothi and Gnana Prakash District resource persons residential training for 6 days across the state.
  2. Gnana Jyothi: A total of 4,000 members (2000 Supervisors and 2000 SGTs) in spell-based training will be done. These DRPs will train all Anganwadi workers in the month of October.
  3. Gnana Prakash: A total of 2000 members of Grade 1-2 SGTs will be trained as District resource persons, these DRPs will train all Grade 1-2 SGTs in the month of October.
  4. We will have a 2-minute orientation on the ECCE activities that are happening in the Anganwadi centre and how we can support them.
  5. We will look at the September month calendar of special events and plan how we can participate and celebrate them together.
  6. ECCE day is on every month of 5th, where we showcase our learning outcomes and achievements.
  7. Community-based events are on every month of 1st and 3rd Wednesday, where we invite parents and community members to join us and share their feedback and suggestions.
  8. Special celebrations in the month of September, where we can collaborate with the co-located schools and make them more festive and meaningful.
Subject-specific complex: classroom innovation teaching practices
  1. The teacher and Anganwadi worker invite the parents to the corner and engage in activities with parents of the respective 4 corners.
  2. First corner: Physical and socio-emotional development
  3. Second corner: Language and Math development
  4. Third corner: Cognitive development
  5. Fourth corner: Mother corner
Takeaway activity: The takeaway activity for this session as part of our school project on family and community, we request all teachers and Anganwadi workers to prepare a chart like a family tree. Please ask students to bring passport-sized photos of themselves and stick them on the chart with their names and date of birth.
The 60-min detailed Session plan for school complex training.
S.No Topic Subtopic Time (60 minutes) Links
1 Energizer - Zinga 5 mins  
2 Recall the last meeting 5mins on the recall 10mins on achievements in last month – like welcome poster, understanding goals, setting up 4 corners, etc., 5 mins  
10 mins  
3 Play-based pedagogy for Grades 1&2 ·About pre-math · As per policy, the timetable for math sessions   15 mins Click Here
4 Co-ordination with Anganwadi They must discuss on September month festival where a detailed discussion needs to be happened 10mins  
5 Subject-specific complex: classroom innovation teaching practices As per FLN, four corners need to be set up as set upped in Last month, need to do activities with the involvement of mothers Corner 1: Physical development Corner 2: socio-emotional Corner 3: Language & Corner 4: Math development 10 mins  
6 Takeaway activity – As part of our school project on family and community, we request all teachers and Anganwadi workers to prepare a chart like a family tree. Please ask students to bring passport-sized photos of themselves and stick them on the chart with their names and date of birth 5 mins  

Resource Material and Youtube Links for School Complex

Day - 1:- (30.8.23 న) జరిగే స్కూల్ కాంప్లక్స్ సమావేశంలో 10.45 నుండి చూపించవలసిన వీడియో లింక్

Day - 2:- (31.8.23 న) జరిగే స్కూల్ కాంప్లక్స్ సమావేశంలో 10.45 నుండి చూపించవలసిన వీడియో లింక్