AP Vidya Pravesam Enrolment Drive 2024 Guidelines Released

AP Vidya Pravesam Enrolment Drive 2024 Guidelines Released. Samagra Shiksha, AP – Quality Initiatives –conduct of Vidya Pravesham Student enrolment program in Andhra Pradesh - certain instructions – Issued - Reg.

AP Vidya Pravesam Enrolment Drive 2024 Guidelines Released

AP Vidya Pravesam Enrolment Drive 2024 Guidelines Released

All District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State of Samagra Shiksha are informed that to enhance enrollment in government-managed schools, several initiatives are planned, including infrastructure development, free student kits, quality mid-day meals, and other education-related activities.

In this context, a 4-week student enrollment drive titled “Vidya Pravesham” is proposed. This initiative aims to increase enrollment rates in grades 1 to 8 across all government schools in the state for the academic year 2024-25. The program will utilize the DIKSHA platform to facilitate, monitor, and evaluate the enrollment activities.

Program Timeline: The program will run from June 24, 2024, to July 25, 2024.

Stakeholder-Specific Activities:

I. Mandal, Division, and District Officials:

● June 24 to June 27: View learning resources on effective enrollment programs and conduct orientations for school leaders.

● June 28 to July 25: Conduct school visits, observe activities, motivate working committees, collect and review enrollment reports, and recognize top-performing school leaders.

II. School Leaders:

June 24 to June 30: Collect and analyze enrollment data from the past five years. Conduct meetings with teachers and SMC members to set enrollment targets. Form a working committee and plan enrollment activities.

July 1 to July 20: Execute various enrollment activities. Calculate the percentage increase in enrollment and create a report.

Detailed guidelines and instructions for all stakeholders regarding the implementation of the program are provided in Annexure-1 (enclosed). 

Monitoring and evaluation will include tracking outputs through the DIKSHA dashboard and assessing outcomes based on the percentage increase in enrollment, quality of activities, stakeholder collaboration, and additional tasks performed by schools.

In this connection, a launching and orientation program will be conducted virtually on June 24, 2024. The time and program links will be communicated through WhatsApp groups.

Therefore, the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are instructed to issue necessary instructions to

ground-level functionaries and closely monitor the effective conduct of the "Vidya Pravesham Enrollment Program in Andhra Pradesh.

DIKSHA Handbook - Vidyaa Pravesham

Details of the program
Vidyaa Pravesham is an initiative that aims to increase enrolment rates in grades 1 to 8 across all 
government schools in the state for the academic year 2024-25. The program will be carried out using the DIKSHA platform, leveraging its micro-improvement project capability to facilitate, monitor, and evaluate the enrollment activities.

● Increase student enrolment in grades 1 to 8 in Government schools.
● Actively involve block/district officials, teachers, school leaders, parents, and community members.

Approach: Adopt the micro-improvement approach to achieve the objective through small, impactful steps documented as projects on the DIKSHA App.

Implementation timeline and tasks:
The program will run for 4 weeks from June 24, 2024, to July 25, 2024.

Activities in “Vidya Pravesham Programme”

Roles and Responsibilities of District and Block level officials
  • 1. Thoroughly review this document to understand the various enrolment activities that HMs and teachers need to conduct.
  • 2. Following the state-level orientation, hold a session for HMs on conducting an effective enrolment program.
  • 3. Once the enrolment program begins, conduct regular school visits to observe enrolment activities and motivate the working committee.
  • 4. Share updates on the enrolment program during review meetings with the state core team.
  • 5. At the program's conclusion, collect enrolment reports and recognize schools which achieved the highest percentage increase in enrolment.
Roles and Responsibilities of HMs
  • 1. Collecting and analyzing enrolment data from last 5 years
  • 2. Conducting meetings with teachers and SMC members to discuss and set enrolment target for this year
  • 3. Forming a working committee and plan activities and timeline of enrolment program
  • 4. Conduct different enrolment activities along with working committee
  • 5. Calculate percentage increase in enrolment from last year and create an enrolment report

How to monitor the program - District and Block level officials

1. Conduct Regular School Visits:
● Frequency: Schedule and perform regular visits to schools participating in the enrolment program.
● During the visit: During these visits, observe the ongoing enrolment activities closely. Take notes on the processes, methods,
and any challenges faced. Provide support/engagement/motivation to the schools

1. Share Updates in Review Meetings:
● Prepare Reports: After each school visit, prepare a concise report summarizing your observations, including successes,
challenges, and any immediate actions taken.
● Review Meetings: Share these reports in regular review meetings with the state core team. Use these meetings to discuss overall progress.

1. Collect and Analyze Enrolment Reports:
● End-of-Program Reporting: At the program's conclusion, collect detailed enrolment reports from each school. Ensure the data
is accurate and comprehensive.
● Data Analysis: Analyze the reports to identify schools with the highest percentage increase in enrolment. Look for patterns or
practices that contributed to their success.

1. Recognize and Celebrate Achievements:
● Identify High Performers: Based on your analysis, identify schools who achieved significant enrolment increases