Eco Club for Mission Life 2024 Activities from 13th June to 20th June 2024

Eco Club for Mission Life 2024 Activities from 13th June to 20th June 2024. Memo No.SS-Spl//1/2024-SIEMAT- SS- 07/06/2024. APSS- SIEMAT – World Environment Day - Organizing summer camp ‘Eco Clubs for Mission LiFE’ –Revised Schedule of Activities from 13.06.2024 to 20.06.2024 - Instructions – Issued.

Eco Club for Mission Life 2024 Activities

Eco Club for Mission Life 2024 Activities from 13th June to 20th June 2024

Sub: APSS- SIEMAT – World Environment Day - Organizing summer camp ‘Eco Clubs for Mission LiFE’ –Revised Schedule of Activities from 13.06.2024 to 20.06.2024 - Instructions – Issued.

Ref: D.O. Lr No.10-1/2024-EE.12 (Eco Club) dated 01.05.2024 of the Secretary, DoSE &L, MoE, Gol,

The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are hereby invited to the reference cited above in which summer camps are to be organized in the State on the theme ‘Eco Clubs for Mission LiFE’ .

As part of this programme, the activities are already started on World Environment Day i.e., on 5th June,2024 with the theme “Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience". Eco Clubs for Mission life activities are to be organized for one week , on 5th the theme is ‘Say No to Single Use Plastic’ .

In this connection, a revised schedule of activities is hereby issued to conduct 'Eco Clubs for Mission life activities' from 13-6-2024 to 20-6- 2024.
  • 1. Adopt Healthy Life Style : 13.06. 2024
  • 2. Reduce Waste : 14.06.2024
  • 3. Reduce e-waste : 15.06.2024
  • 4. Adopt Sustainable Food System: 18-06.2024
  • 5. Save Energy : 19.06.2024
  • 6. Save Water : 20.6.2024
Further, it is instructed to create awareness about the themes of the programme and conduct activities with students, parents, community and all stake holders by inviting the representatives from other line departments such as Forest department, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, RWS, Transco/DISCOM, Municipality/Municipal Corporation, Pollution Control Board , DVEOs, RIOs,etc,.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are requested to take up the activities as per revised schedule under ‘Eco Clubs for Mission LIFE’ from 13-6- 2024 to 20-6-2024 and contact the line department’s for support and cooperation to make the programme a grand success.

13-6-2024 (Thursday) - Adopt Healthy Life Style

  • • Organize nature walks for students to nearby ecosystems, thereby learning about environmental conservation practices.
  • • Conduct plantation drives focusing on area specific flora.
  • • Exploration visits to nearby villages/local tourist destinations. The class can be divided into groups and given tasks eg. exploring and discussing the locations a)
  • ecology, b) history, c) geography, d) customs & traditions e)handicrafts etc.,
  • • Metric; Number of saplings planted, number of visits organized

14-6-2024 (Friday) Reduce Waste

  • • Organize cleanliness drives involving students and the community to inculcate responsibility towards the environment.
  • • Teach waste segregation for appropriate waste disposal.
  • • Install two-bin system in all classrooms - for wet and dry waste.
  • • If the amount of wet waste generated is not high, a common wet waste bin canbe kept for 3, 4 classrooms.
  • • Sanitary waste bins can be kept in washrooms for used sanitary napkins, diapers, etc.
  • • On each dustbin, paste prompts like 'What can go in?' that will help students decide what can go in each bin.
  • • Construct compost pits in schools to encourage waste segregation and use compost generated in the kitchen
  • Garden of the School.
  • • Organize recycled waste art contests in schools to promote 3Rs i.e., reduce, reuse and recycling of waste.
  • • Organize donation drives to donate old clothes, toys, furniture etc.
  • • Collected items may be distributed to needy people in the community orhanded over to an NGO.
  • • Organize interaction sessions with therack pickers/ small junk shop dealers from the nearby locality where students may ask questions regarding where thewaste goes, how they segregate waste, how items are re-cycled etc.
  • • Metric; number of compost pits constructed, amount of organic waste generated

15-06-2024 (Saturday) Reduce E- waste

• Conduct e-waste collection drives for appropriate disposal and reuse of electronic waste.
• Set up e-waste collection point in school to drop off old electronic gadgets School authorities may collaborate with authorized e-waste collectors for safe disposal of collected items and maintain record of the collected e-waste.
• Schools may set up educational booths to show impact of e-waste on our planet.
• Metric; amount of e-waste collected and handed over to the authorized dealer (number/kg)

18-06-2024 (Tuesday) Adopt Sustainable Food System

  • Involve students to create, revive and manage kitchen gardens within the school premises.
  • If the school does not have the required vacant land, encourage use of old buckets, plastic bottles and earthen pots to grow the plants in any available space.
  • Plant climbers to save space.
  • Use compost created from the school's wet waste for the kitchen gardens, thereby avoiding chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Encourage students to make eco- friendly pesticides using waste eg. bio enzymes for kitchen garden.
  • Keep a record of the plants grown on the campus and how much produce is harvested every month. The produce can be used internally for the PM Poshan meals, or distribution among the students and the staff.
  • Organise exciting competitions like millet fancy dress to show students lifelong health benefits and environmental advantages of incorporating these super grains into their diet.
  • Encourage students to take the learnings from these initiatives to their homes and replicate them.
  • Metric; Number of kitchen gardens created, amount of organic produce generated(kg)

19-6-2024 (Wednesday) Save Energy

  • • Encourage students to carry out energy saving activities like switching off tube - lights, bulbs, and electronic gadgets when not in use.
  • • Establish energy team within eco-club.
  • • Energy team to carry out patrolling to ensure all electrical appliances are switched off after school hours.
  • • Organize knowledge building sessions on renewable sources of energy may be organized in collaboration with NGOs, Power departments etc.
  • • Create posters, banners and other visual materials and paste on the school notice board to raise awareness about the importance of energy conservation.
  • • Invest in solar panels.
  • Metric; reduction in electricity bills in school, units of solar power generated (incase solar panel installed in school)

20-06-2024 (Thursday) Save Water

  • Involve Students in tabulation water wastage in school.
  • Check for leaks in flush systems, faucets and water pipes and report to the eco-club teacher in-charge.
  • Students along with their teachers can collect water from nearby storage systems and carry out tests water
  • Purity. Appropriate arrangements can be made in school labs. •
  • Organize water conservation rally along With the community. Grandparents of the students maybe called in the schools, where they can share water conservation practices adopted in the past and how students can be made more active towards saving water.
  • Organize awareness sessions about rainwater harvesting system and its benefits.
  • Metric; number of leaks detected, reduction in water consumption over a week.