Elections - Sanction of 1 Month Honorarium to the Staff - Who are Eligible ? Explained Here

ELECTIONS - Sanction of One month Honorarium to the staff and officers involved in conduct of General Elections - 2024 -Information called for - Reg. Elections - Sanction of 1 Month Honorarium to the Staff - Who are Eligible ? Explained Here by www.apteachers.in 

Election commission has issued orders for payment of One Month Honorarium to the staff involved in conducting Elections. Details of the Eligible staff, and payment of Honorarium explained below. G.O.Ms.No. 512 Dated: 22nd June

Elections - Sanction of 1 Month Honorarium to the Staff - Who are Eligible ? Explained Here 

Memo No.6121/Elecs.C/2024 Dated:27.06.2024

Sub :- ELECTIONS - Sanction of One month Honorarium to the staff and officers involved in conduct of General Elections - 2024 -Information called for - Reg.

Ref :
1. G.O.Ms.No.512, G.A(Elecs.C) Dept., Dt.22.06.2013.
2. No.464/Inst/EPS/2023/Honorarium, 06.06.2023 of ECI, New Delhi.
3. From General Secretary, A.P. Revenue e-Divisional Managers Association, Dt.19.05.2024.

The attention of the Collectors 85 District Election Officers, Andhra Pradesh are invited to the references cited, wherein the general guidelines have been issued for payment of honorarium equal to one month grass salary to the staff and officers involved in to conduct of elections to various constitutional bodies through the Election Commission of India viz., General/bye-election to A.P.L.A, House of People and Biennial /bye-elections to APLC.

2. They are therefore requested to furnish the honorarium break ups of the Employees in the respective Districts, who are involved in to conduct of General Elections - 2024, keeping in view the guidelines issued in the references cited (copies enclosed), for taking further action in the matter.

G.O.Ms.No. 512 Dated: 22nd June, 2013 Election Payment of Honorarium Instructions

ELECTIONS — Payment of honorarium to the officers and staff members involved in conduct of general / bye-elections to the State Legislative Assembly / House of People (Lok Sabha) and biennial / bye-elections to Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council — General Guidelines — Orders — Issued.


G.O.Ms.No. 512 Dated: 22nd June, 2013

From the Election Commission of India, New Delhi, Letter No.218/4/98/PLN-IV, dated: 23-06-1998.


Keeping in view of the strenuous efforts being taken in continuous nature of work during conduct of elections to various constitutional bodies i.e., general / bye-elections to the State Legislative Assembly / House of People (Lok Sabha) and biennial elections / bye-elections to Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council by the election staff especially to work irrespective of working hours, some times round the clock including holidays, the Election Commission of India, vide letter read above, has issued general instructions with regard to payment of honorarium to the officers appointed / designated as District Election Officers, Returning Officers, Assistant Returning Officers and other staff members for the conduct of General Elections in the State. Based on these instructions honorarium is being paid to the staff / officers, who are directly connected with the elections being conducted in the State of Andhra Pradesh from time to time.

2. The issue of payment of honorarium to the officers and staff connected with conduct of elections is examined in detail and it is decided to issue general guidelines on this issue.

3. Accordingly, Government hereby issue the following general guidelines for payment of honorarium to the staff and officers involved in conduct of elections to various constitutional bodies through the Election Commission of India viz., general I bye-elections to Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, House of People (Lok Sabha) and biennial / bye-elections to Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council:

a) The Payment of honorarium should be strictly to the officers and staff members who are directly connected with the election related work, in the o/o the Chief Electoral Officer and in the districts;

b) In case of general elections to House of People (Lok Sabha) or State Legislative Assembly honorarium equal to one month salary be sanctioned to all officers and staff members in General Administration (Elections) Department as well as to the officers and staff members who are directly involved in the entire process of conduct of elections in Districts viz., District Election Officers, District Revenue Officers, Returning Officers, Assistant Returning Officers and other election staff i.e., Superintendents, Deputy Tahsildar (Elections), Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant, Typist of Election Wing in the Collectorate, Senior Assistant in Returning Officer's office;

c) Honorarium shall not be sanctioned to the officers and staff who are drafted for a limited period I purpose for conduct of poll, counting process i.e., Zonal Officers, Route Officers, Polling Officers, Observers, Micro Observers, Counting Officers etc.;

d) The District Election Officers shall issue proceedings sanctioning the honorarium to the concerned, who have actually worked against the above mentioned posts and attach a copy of the same to the bill in which the claim is preferred along with a certificate certifying that sanction of honorarium is in accordance with the norms specified by Government and limited to the persons, who actually worked in connection with the conduct of General Elections to the House of the People (Lok Sabha) / the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, against the posts;

e) In case of biennial elections to Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council / bye-elections to Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council / bye-elections to House of People (Lok Sabha) honorarium equal to 50% (fifty percent) of the salary (i.e., salary for 15 days) may be sanctioned only to the officers and staff members working in General Administration (Elections) Department, but not in districts, subject to condition that the elections shall be conducted at [east for a minimum of five seats to be eligible for the honorarium;

f) These guidelines will be effecting from the conduct of biennial elections to 30 seats of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Council in 14 districts during 2011 on wards.

4. These orders issue with the concurrence of Finance (Expr.GAD-l) Department vide their U.O.No.9079/488/Expr.GAD-I/2011, dated: 11-10-2011.

ECI No.464/DIST /2023/Honorarium Dated: 6th June, 2023

1. The Secretary to Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs North Block, New Delhi-110001.
2. The Secretary to Government of India Department of Legislative Affairs, Ministry of Law as Justice A-Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110001.
3. The Chief Secretary of All States / UTs
4. The Chief Electoral Officers of All States/ UTs

Subject: Payment of honorarium to DEOs, ROs, AROs etc. and CAPF personnel deployed on election duty- regarding.

References: Commission's Instructions issued vide:
(i) 218/4/98/PLN-IV dated 23.06.1998
(ii) 464/INST/2013/EPS dated 06.09.2013 218/4/2016-EPS dated 14.09.2016
(iv)464/ECl/LET/FUNC/EEM/AEO-Hon/2016/EEPS dated 29.12.2016
(v) 218/6/2019/EPS dated 10.04.2019
(vi)464/INST/2020/EPS dated 24.02.2020


Election Commission of India is vested with the superintendence, direction and control of all elections to Parliament and to the Legislature of every State/UT and of elections to the offices of President and Vice President held under clause (1) of Article 324 of the Constitution of India. Conduct of elections involves diverse activities carried out by an election machinery consisting of officials and staff requisitioned from various departments including Polling Personnel/police personnel/ staff under Sections 26, 27, 28, 28A, 29 and 159 of Representation of the People Act, 1951.

2. During the election period, the entire machinery performs arduous and sensitive duties which extend for long hours and even continue for many months so as to ensure a conducive environment wherein electors are able to exercise their franchise and elect a government of their choice in free and fair manner. In view of nature and the period of the work performed by DEC's, R0 s, AROs and officials etc. while conducting elections, the Commission has directed to pay honorarium for election duty carried out by them.

3. Further, considering the arduous and sensitive nature of the duties performed by CAPF personnel during election period, in diverse and difficult terrain/regions, facing multiple threats and challenges ranging from insurgency, Left Wing Extremism and terrorism to internal strife and caste-communal conflict, continuously for periods even extending up to few weeks, the Commission has also directed that the election-related security duties performed by the CAPF personnel merit the grant of honorarium. Meaning of CAPF is forces deployed by the Ministry of Home Affairs Government of India and includes Central Armed Police Forces, Railway Protection Force, State Armed. Police Forces, Indian Reserve Battalions etc. for the purpose of the election.

4. In view of above, I am directed to state that the instructions referred above issued from time to time on the subject cited have been reviewed, consolidated and in supersession of all the previous instructions, the Commission has directed to issue a comprehensive direction in order to eliminate any ambiguity/confusion on the subject cited above.


(i) The provision of honorarium shall be paid to the officers appointed/ designated as DEO s / ROs / ARO s / election staff etc. for conduct of General Elections in the State. The payment of honorarium is applicable only for General Elections held to Parliament and State Assemblies and not for Bye-elections.

(ii) The categories of staff who are eligible for payment of honorarium are to be decided by State Government in consultation with CEO of the State/UT concerned.

(iii) Payment of such honorarium should be made equitable to all employees concerned with elections and should be not less than basic pay of one month of the concerned employees.

(iv) The payment of honorarium to CAPF personnel, deployed on election duty by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, shall be made at the rates specified for General Elections and Bye-Elections to Lok Sabha and State Assemblies.

(v) TA/ DA as admissible will be paid by the parent departments/ ministries/ authorities irrespective of the honorarium paid. Detailed instruction on payment of TA/DA is separately issued.
RATE OF HONORARIUM www.apteachers.in
Category of Beneficiaries Rates
DEOs/ROs/AROs/ Election Staff (to be decided by State Govt. in consultation with concerned CEO) Not less than basic pay of one month of the concerned employee and should be made equitable to all employee concerned with elections.
Gazetted Officers of CAPF (Commandant, Ad hoc Commandant, Dy. Commandant, Assistant Commandant, Medical Officer and other equivalent ranks)
  1. 15 Days or less- Rs. 2,500
  2. More than 15 days- @Rs. 1250 per week
Subordinate Officers of CAPF (Inspector, Sub-Inspector, Asst Sub Inspector and other equivalent ranks) (1)    15 Days or less- Rs. 2,000 (ii)  More than 15 days- @ Rs. 1,000 per week
Other Ranks of CAPF (Head Constable, Constable and equivalent ranks)
  1. 15 Days or less- Rs. 1,500
  2. More than 15 days- @ Rs 750 per week
Assistant Expenditure Observer/ Sector Officer/ Sector Police Officer Rs. 7500 for  his   full-time election duty or on pro rata basis proportional to the duration of duty.