KGBV CRTs, PGTs Re-Engagement Guidelines 2024 - Key Performance Indicators KGBV Re-Engagement

KGBV CRTs, PGTs  Re-Engagement Guidelines 2024 - Key Performance Indicators KGBV Re-Engagement. APSS - KGBVs - Re-engagement of the services of Contract teaching staff working in KGBVs for the year 2024-25 - Orders - Issued.

Rc. No. 55-21021/28/2024-IED & KGBV-SSA Dited: 09/06/2024

Sub:-APSS - KGBVs - Re-engagement of the services of Contract teaching staff working in KGBVs for the year 2024-25 - Orders - Issued.

1. This office Proc. Rc. No. 1392113/APSS/(A1)/7023. dated:30.04.2024
2. Contract Agreements with the Contract Teaching Staff from time to time.
3. This office Proc. Rc. No. Rc.No. 55-21021/28/2024-IED & KGBV-SSA Dated:26.04.2024

KGBV CRTs, PGTs  Re-Engagement Guidelines 2024 - Key Performance Indicators KGBV Re-Engagement


KGBV CRTs, PGTs  Re-Engagement Guidelines 2024 - Key Performance Indicators KGBV Re-Engagement

The attention of all the District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators, SS and Additional Project Coordinators, SS in the State is invited to the reference 3rd read above, wherein the services of the contract teaching staff working in the KGBVs has been extended upto 9th June, 2024.

In this connection, it is informed that the scheme of Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) was launched by the Government of India during the year 2004-05 for setting up Residential Schools ie Upper Primary level for girls predominantly to the SC, ST, OBC and minority communities in difficult areas with a aim to mainstream the backward girls in schools to increase the quality education of girls, to create girl friendly environment in schools and also to create awareness among the community members on girls education.

This is a centrally sponsored scheme with a ratio of 75:25 up to 2011-2012. Later the same was changed to 60% by the central and 40% State.Thereafter, all the KGBVs in the State have been upgraded into Intermediate in a phased manner during the period from 2018 to 2022. 

The following are details ie., upgraded Intermediate KGBVs.

Year of Up- gradation No of KGBy functioning with classes No. of KGBV upgraded into Intermediate KGBV (VI to XII) No .of alciitiondl posts approved for Intermediate KGBV
2018-19 VI to X 31 4 PGTs per KGB V
2019-20 VI to X 140 4 PGTs per KGBV
2020-21 VI to X 30 4 PGTs per KGBV
2021-22 VI to X 0 -
2022-23 VI to X 131 4 PGTs per KGBV

Further they are informed that initially the KGBVs were functioned under administrative and financial control ci the various societies in the State. In the year 2016, all KGBVs have been brought under control of the A.P. Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan,

Further, they are informed that the teaching staff have been recruited in these KGBVs initially at their respective districts by various societies ie., APSWERIES, APTWERIES, APRIES etc., After brought under the control of the APSSA, the teaching staff have been recruited in the year 2018-19 without uniform recruitment process,ie through written test in some districts and in some times by walk in interview. As a result, lack of uniform structure for recruitment of the teaching staff, the performance of the KGBV teaching staff not up to the state average when compare with other residential educational institutions society ie., APSWREIS, APTWERIS, APREIS etc., Because of this office KGBVs is getting poor performance in the results of the Public Examinations.

Performance Indicators for Re-Engaging KGBV CRTs, PGTs

Therefore the Government has decided to provide quality and comprehensive education in all KGBVs from the academic year 2024-2025.

 As a part of it, Key Performance Indicators have been developed for improvement of individual performances as well the renewal of contract agreement of Principals, CRTs, PGTs. According to data collected from CSE, Marks obtained from SSC and intermediate marks were calculated for 100. The details are as follows:

KGBV Principals Re-Engagement Parameters in KGBV 2024-25

Key Performance Indicators Data Source Weightage
Student Enrollment (Out of 280) CSE Portal 10
Weightage for class Examinations (6th to 9th) CSE Portal 15
Weightage for 10th class SSC Board 15
Weightage for 11th class Intermediate 15
Weightage for 12th class Intermediate 15
Total Leaves Availed, Number of Times Late on Duty Attendance App 5
Capacity Building frrainings Attended APC 5
National / State Awards Received APC 5
Residing in Headquarters APC 10
Disciplinary cases/ Allegations pending APC 5
Total   100

KGBV CRTs Re-Engagement Paraments 2024-25

S.No Key Performance Indicators Data
1 Average score in concerned subject of 6th to 9th CSE Portal 35
2 Average score of students (Marks secured in concerned subject in Class 10th) SSC Board 35
3 Savings in Availing Leaves, Number of Times Late on Duty Attendance App 5
4 Capacity Building Trainings Attended KGBV Dept. 5
5 National / State Awards Received APC 5
6 Residing in Headquarters GCDO 10
7 Disciplinary cases / Allegations APC 5
Total   100

KGBV PGTs Re-engagement Guidelines Parameters 2024-25

S.No Key Performance Indicators Data Source Marks Weightage
1 Average score of students (Marks secured in concerned subject in Class 11th) Intermediate 35
2 Average score of students (Marks secured in concerned subject in Class 12th) Intermediate 35
3 Savings in Availing  Leaves, Number of Times Late on Duty Attendance App 5
5 Capacity Building Trainings Attended KGBV Dept. 5
6 National / State Awards Received APC 5
7 Residing in Head Quarters GCDO 10
8 Disciplinary cases & Allegations GCDO 5
  Total 100

In view of the above and terms & conditions stipulated in the contract agreement, the State Project Director, SS, A.P., is pleased to re-engage the teaching staff, who performed 35% and above points as per KPIs. The contract of the remaining teaching staff, whose performance is below 35%, will be taken up as per the orders of the Government.

Therefore, they are requested to take immediate necessary action to re-engage the teaching w.e.f. 11.06.2024 ie., with a break of two days in r/o teaching staff, who got performance points 35% and above as per respective KPIs for the academic year 2024-25 and enter into contract agreement accordingly and submit compliance by 12.06.2024. Individual wise performance post wise ie for Principals, PGTs and CRTs will be arranged to the respective districts separately

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