AP Engineering Colleges Fee Structure 2024 | B.Tech, B.Arch Fee 2024

AP Engineering Colleges Fee Structure 2024 | B.Tech, B.Arch Fee 2024. Govt of AP has released the Fee Structure for Engineering Courses in Private Engineering Colleges in B.Tech and B.Arch Courses for the academic year 2024-25. College wise detailed fee structure is explained below. G.O.Ms.No.17, Higher Education (R.M), 7th July, 2024

AP Engineering Colleges Fee Structure 2024  B.Tech, B.Arch Fee 2024

AP Engineering Colleges Fee Structure 2024 | B.Tech, B.Arch Fee 2024



[G.O.Ms.No.17, Higher Education (R.M), 7th July, 2024.]

In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 7 of Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983), the Government hereby notify the fee as mentioned in the Annexures I, II appended to this Order for fixation of fee structure for B.Tech., B.Arch., Programmes respectively, offered by the Private Un-Aided Professional Higher Education Institutions (Engineering Colleges) in the state of Andhra Pradesh for Academic Year (AY) 2024-25, subject to outcome of Writ Appeals pending before the Hon'ble High Court and subject to following directions:

a. The fee is an all-inclusive annual fee, including like tuition fee, affiliation fee, cost of identity card, medical fee, inter college/inter university sports, games & cultural meet fee, computer/internet fee, College magazine and student activities, student health care scheme, student welfare fund, study tour, alumni fund, sports and games fee, examination fee including stationery, maintenance and amenities fee, extracurricular activities fee, development fee, Recognition fee, Common Services fee and other recurring expenditure;

b. The aforesaid fee determined for the Engineering programmes for the colleges mentioned in Annexure-I (B.Tech), Annexure-II (B.Arch) Programmes, does not include hostel, transport, mess charges, registration fee, admission fee and refundable deposits of library and laboratory fee.

c. The fee fixed is a tentative measure till the finalization of the fee by the Commission and subject to result of the Writ Appeals pending before the APHC.

d. The institutions whose affiliations are not extended by the affiliating Universities for the Academic Year (AY) 2024-25 are not entitled to collect any fee till the affiliation process is completed.

e. In the case of a new college/course, the fee structure shall be the least of the fee regulated for the institutions in the same programme or Course for the AY 2024-25.

f. The institution shall not charge either directly or indirectly any other amount over and above the fee fixed in Annexure-I (B. Tech), Annexure-II (B. Arch) Programmes or which may be modified based on the court directions in future, for 4 years for the students admitted during the AY 2024-25. 

If any other amount is charged under any other head or guise i.e., donations, etc. the same would amount to charging of capitation fee and in that case the institution shall be liable to be prosecuted under Section 9 of Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions (Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee) Act, 1983 (Act No.5 of 1983) apart from imposing appropriate penalty under the APHERMC Act, 2019 and the APHERMC Rules, 2019 as amended subsequently from time to time; 

g. The institutions are cautioned to maintain proper accounts following lawful practices (Accrual/Mercantile basis of Accounting) including processing payments and receipts through Banks and follow the Regulations as well as guidelines of the Commission in submitting data for evaluation and regulation of fee proposals henceforth. In default their respective fee proposals are liable to be rejected under Regulation 5 (B) (vill) of APHERMC Regulations and such instances shall not be forwarded to the Government for fixation of fee;

h. In case of any deviation from these directions, the Commission will initiate serious penal action as per the provisions of the Act and Rules made there under;

i. Under Section 12 (4) & (5) of A.P. Higher Education Regulatory and Monitoring Commission Act, 2019, the Commission has the power to review and determine the fee payable to the Higher Educational Institutions and review the fee determined, whether notified or not by the Government for any academic years/block periods;

j. The institutions are informed that the fixation of Fee structure by the Government will not by itself enable or permit the managements to run programmes, if the programmes are not recognized/permitted by for Technical concerned University.