FA-1 2024 Time Table, Syllabus, Model Question Papers 2024

 FA-1 2024 Time Table, Syllabus, Model Question Papers 2024. The Formative Assessment -1 is going to be held from 27th August in all the Government Schools in Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly the tentative Timetable, Syllabus is released by the authorities. Details are explained below. 

FA-1 is now to be called as Self Assessment Tests. The detailed time table for the FA-1/Self Assessment Papers 2024 is available below. Note: Waiting for Official Proceedings.

FA-1 2024 Time Table, Syllabus, Model Question Papers 2024

Primary FA-1 2024 Time Table / Self Assessment Tests Timetable

The Formative Assessment -1 Time table for Primary Classes is mentioned below.

Date Session 1
27.08.2024 FOR CLASSES 3 TO 5 OSSC (10.45 A.M to 11.45 AM)
28.08.2024 Telugu (10.45 A.M to 11.45 AM)
29.08.2024 -----
30.08.2024 English (10.45 A.M to 11.45 AM)
31.08.2024 Mathematics (10.45 A.M to 11.45 AM)
02.09.2024 Environmental Science (10.45 A.M to 11.45 AM)

6-8th Classes FA-1 2024 Timetable

Date   6,7,8 Classes
27.08.2024 OSSC-I/PERSIA/ARABIC, (01.10 P.M to 02.10 P.M)
OSSC-II/PERSIA/ARABIC (02.20 P.M to 03.20 P.M)
28.08.2024 Telugu (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M)
29.08.2024 ------
30.08.2024 Hindi (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M)
31.08.2024 English (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M)
02.09.2024 Mathematics (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M)
03.09.2024 General Science (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M)
04.09.2024 Social Studies (01.30 P.M to 02.30 P.M)

9-10th Classes FA-1 2024 Timetable

Date Classes 9 and 10
27.08.2024 OSSC-I/PERSIA/ARABIC (10.00 A.M to 11.00 AM)
OSSC-II/PERSIA/ARABIC  (11.15 A.M to 12.15 P.M)
28.08.2024 Telugu (11.00 A.M to 12.00 Noon)
29.08.2024 ----
30.08.2024 Hindi (11.00 A.M to 12.00 Noon)
31.08.2024 English (11.00 A.M to 12.00 Noon)
02.09.2024 Mathematics (11.00 A.M to 12.00 Noon)
03.09.2024 General Science (11.00 A.M to 12.00 Noon)
04.09.2024 Social  Studies   (11.00   A.M  to   12.00 Noon)

1st Class FA-2 2024 Syllabus

FA-1 2024 1st Class Syllabus
Telugu బాల గేయాలు, అమ్మ చిత్రం, అక్షర గేయాలు, వర్ణమాల, అక్షర పరిచయ చిత్రాలు, అడుకుందాం వర్ణమాల ఆట
English Iam Special
Maths (Big -small, Biggest Smallest,Top-Bottom, Inside-Outside, Near-far, Rolling-sliding, Above-below, shapes 3-d shapes, Before, Between, after)

2nd Class FA-2 2024 Syllabus

FA-1 2024 2nd Class Syllabus
Telugu అభినయ గేయాలు, సంసిద్దత, 3 వ వారం నుండి 6 వ వారం వరకు అభినయ గేయాలు
English Welcome to school
Maths Numbers, before, After, Between, Tens and ones place value, Additions, substractions, word problems, measurements, money, spaes, Shall we count

3rd Class FA-2 2024 Syllabus

FA-1 2024 3rd Class Syllabus
Telugu తెలుగు తల్లి, మర్యాద చేద్దాం
English Tenali rama and Thieves
Maths Let's Recall
EVS Happy Family, Plants around us, Animals Around Us

4th Class FA-2 2024 Syllabus

FA-1 2024 4th Class Syllabus
Telugu గాంధీ మహాత్ముడు, గోపాల్ తెలివి
English Three Butterflies
Maths Let's Recall
EVS Family, Green World, Animals around us

5th Class FA-2 2024 Syllabus

FA-1 2024 4th Class Syllabus
Telugu ఏ దేశమేగినా, సాయం
English Mallika goes to Schoo
Maths Let's Recall
EVS Migration of people, Climate Change, Clothes we wear

6th Class FA-1 Syllabus 2024

FA-1 2024 Syllabus for 6th Class
Subject Syllabus
Telugu అమ్మ ఒడి, తృప్తి
అమరజీవి పొట్టి శ్రీరాములు
జాతీయ జెండా రూపశిల్పి పింగళి వెంకయ్య
Hindi बारिश
English Who did Patrik's Homework?,
A House, A Home (poem),
How the dog found himself a new Master. A Tale of two birds(SR)
Maths Knowing our numbers,
Whole Numbers Playing numbers
Science Components of food,
Sorting materials into groups,
Separation of substances
Social Our Earth in the Solar System,
Globe-Model of the Earth, Maps

FA-1 2024 Syllabus for 7th Class

FA-1 2024 Syllabus for 6th Class
Subject Syllabus
Telugu అక్షరం
మాయా కంబళి
గుణదల మేరీమాత ఉత్సవం
Hindi गनान हम को बेजिए
होशियार कौआ
English Unit 1, Three Questions & The Squirrel (poem)
A gift of Chappals The Tiny Teacher (SR)
Maths Integers,
Fractions & Decimals
Data Handling
Science Nutrition in plants,
Nutrition in animals,
Social The Universe and the Earth Forests,
Learning Through Map

FA-1 2024 Syllabus for 8th Class

FA-1 2024 Syllabus for 8th Class
Subject Syllabus
Telugu ఆంధ్ర వైభవం
శతక సౌరభం
పోతులూరి వీరబ్రహ్మం
Hindi सुबह
टेनालीराम की चतुराई
ए पी टीचर्स डाट इन वेबसीटे देखिए
English The Best Christmas present in the world,
The ant and the Cricket (Poem),
The Tsunami How the camel got his Hump (SR)
Maths Rational numbers Linear equations in one variable,
Understanding quadrialaterals
Physical Science Force and pressure Coal and Petroleum
Biological Science Micro organisms, Friend and Foe
Social Geography : Resources,
Land, Soil, water,
Natural Resources vegetarian and wild life.
History : How, When and where ,
From Trade to Territory - The company establishes power
Political Sc - The Indian Constitution and Socialarism

9th Class FA-1 Syllabus 2024

FA-1 2024 Syllabus for 8th Class
Subject Syllabus
Telugu ధర్మబోధ
న్యాపతి సుబ్బారావు
చైతన్యం, ఇల్లలకగానే
Hindi दुख का अधिकार
पड़ गिलु
English The Fun They had,
The Road not taken (Poem),
The sound of Music & Evel Yn clennie,II, Bismillah Khan ,
The Lost child (SR)
Maths Number System Polynomials
Physical Science Motion, Matter in our surroundings
Biological Science The fundamental unit of lif
Social Geography : India-size and location
History : The French revolution What is Democracy ? Why Democracy ?
Eco - The Story of village Palampur

10th Class FA-1 Syllabus 2024

FA-1 2024 Syllabus for 10th Class
Subject Syllabus
Telugu ప్రత్యక్ష దైవాలు
బతులు గంప
శతక మాధుర్యం
Hindi साखी
बड़े भाई
हरिहर काका
English A letter to god & Dust of snow (poem)
Fire and ice (Poem)
Nelson Mandela long walk in freedom
A tiger in the Zoo (poem),
A Triumph of Surgery. (SR
Maths Real Numbers
Pair of Linear Equations in two variables
Physical Science Chemical reactions and Equations,
Light, Reflection and refraction
Biological Science Life process
5.1 What are Life process
5.2 Nutrition
5.3 Respiration
5.4 Transportation
Social Geography :
Resources and Development, Forest and wild life resources.
History : The rise of nationalsm in Europe.
Political - The power sharing