SMC IMMS ID Numbers for TMF Photo Capture

SMC IMMS ID Numbers for TMF Photo Capture. AP State Government has ordered that the TMF Toilet Photos to be captured by SMC Members with their IMMS Ids. Hence here are the SMC Members IMMS ID Numbers to capture the IMMS SMC Photos.

SMC IMMS ID Numbers for TMF Photo Capture

SMC IMMS ID Numbers for TMF Photo Capture. AP State Government has ordered that the TMF Toilet Photos to be captured by SMC Members with their IMMS Ids. Hence here are the SMC Members IMMS ID Numbers to capture the IMMS SMC Photos.
  • The SMC IMMS ID Numbers can be find out using the DISE Code of the School. 
  • Password is imms@321

TMF Photos by Welfare Assistants / SMC Members Two Times in a Week

Sub:  School Education- TMF-Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Role of Head Master/Education Welfare Assistant/Ward Education Secretary/ School Management Committee Members -Regarding

1.This Ofce Memo ESE02-27021/69/2022-MDM-CSE Dt:30-06-2022. &&&&&

The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are informed that, The Government of Andhra Pradesh have setup the Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF) for maintaining the cleanliness of the Toilets, Urinals, dress change room, washbasins and other associated items of the toilet complexes in all the government schools and all the Government Junior Colleges in Rural and Urban areas for safeguarding the health of all the students. The monitoring of the scheme may be done through IMMS APP by following revised SOP norms as follows:-

Role of Head Master:-
  • • Head Master need not upload the toilet photos in IMMS APP.
  • • A survey form shall be provided to the Head Masters which is to the uploaded in IMMS APP.
  • • Head Master has to update the survey format in IMMS APP once in a day i.e., Evening hours.
Note:-Survey format for headmasters is enclosed.

Role of Education Welfare Assistant/Ward Education Secretary

Education and Welfare Assistant shall visit the schools two times in a week i.e., Monday & Thursday.
  • • He/ She shall upload the toilet photos in IMMS/CR APP during their visit
  • • Observe cleanliness of toilets, wash basins, urinals and other associated items and upload remarks and photos in the IMMS/CR app.
Role of School Management Committee Members:-
  • • Necessary logins of IMMS APP are provided to SMC Chairman and its members.
  • • SMC members may visit the schools every Wednesday and Friday.
  • • They may also be requested to upload the toilet photos in IMMS APP.
Therefore , all the district Educational Officers in the state are requested to issue necessary instructions to fled functionaries so as to enable effective monitoring on the implementation of Toilet Maintenance Fund(TMF). A copy of Survey format for headmasters is enclosed.

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