Varadhi Essay & Debate Competitions 2024 Win Huge Prize Money Check How

Varadhi Essay & Debate Competitions 2024 Win Huge Prize Money Check How. Samagra Shiksha-SIEMAT- Varadhi Foundation - Annual Essay and Debate Competitions, 2024 - Certain instructions - issued. Varadhi Foundation has announced Golden Chance for Students to win Huge Prize Money through Essay and Debate Competitions in 2024. Let's discuss in detail about the Scholarship Amount.

    Varadhi Essay & Debate Competitions 2024

    Varadhi Essay & Debate Competitions 2024 Win Huge Prize Money Check How

    RC.No : SS-15021/24/2024-SAMO-SSA 07/08/2024

    Sub: Samagra Shiksha-SIEMAT- Varadhi Foundation - Annual Essay and Debate Competitions, 2024 - Certain instructions - issued.

    Ref: Varadhi foundation letter received on 3-8-2024 from founder president Varadhi Foundation.

    About Varadhi Foundation Competitions 2024

    With reference to the subject cited, it is informed that the founder president, Varadhi Foundation requested to conduct Annual Essay and Debate Competitions -2024 as per its vision to engage youth for positive contribution to the society & country and to encourage government school students from the State of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana so as to imbibe the skills necessary to face future challenges by gaining confidence and being well informed.

    Further, it is informed that essay writing and debate competitions are to be conducted at Mandal Level, District Level and the selected candidates shall attend online competitions conducted by Varadhi Foundation. Varadhi Foundation conducting free debate and essay writing skills ' online sessions on every Thursday from 6.30 pm to 7.30pm and these sessions can be attended by all the students nominated by schools at the Mandal Level. The Essay and Debate competitions will be in English Language only

    In this regard, all District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha are instructed to go through the criteria for participation in Varadhi Annual Essay and Debate competitions and disseminate the information to all Mandal Educational Officers and Head Masters /Principals of all the schools so as to encourage more number of student participation at Mandal, District and State levels .

    Eligibility for Varadhi Essay Debate Competitions 024 

    Eligibility criteria , topics and selection process to participate in Annual Varadhi Competitions are as follows .

    Eligibility criteria:
    • Students from VIII , IX and X classes.
    • Three students as a group can participate in event from one school.
    • one student/ Group can participate in one event only.
    • Any student/group can not participate in both events .
    • Students from different groups can not form a group.

    Topics for Mandal level competitions

    Essay Writing:
    a. The role of Education in Poverty Eradication.
    b. Democracy as a tool to Development.

    Debate(Teams will be asked to speak for or against the topic)

    a. Technical Skills are more important than Communication Skills for Employment.
    b. Girls and Boys are equal and must be treated equally.

    Topics for District level competitions: Essay Writing:

    a. India is secular by constitution-is it inspirit?
    b. Does Co education in schools help to achieve better Gender- Equality?

    Debate(Teams will be asked to speak for or against the topic)

    a. School Education must include vocational Training .
    b. Artificial Intelligence aids Academic Progress.

    Varadhi Essay Competitions 2024 Selection process

    ● Competition Round 1- at Mandal Level -Offline

    At Mandal level MEOs are requested to identify teams for Essay wiring and Debate competitions from the schools in that Mandal. Topics can be selected from above.

    ● Competition Round 2- at District level- Offline

    To be conducted at District level by selecting the topics from above for Essay and Debate competitions

    One team per event will be selected from districts to participate in State Level Competition.

    Final round- Annual Varadhi competitions at State level( Online)

    A panel of judges will evaluate the performance based on the following criteria.

    Activity Dates Rem arks
    School Level on or before 9-Aug- 24 Interested Schools can contact MEOs for Mandal Level Selection
    Mandal Level on or before 12- Aug- 24 At Mandal level competition by MEOs
    Vaaradhi Team Interaction 20- Aug-24 Vaaradhi Team Interaction with nominees from Mandal and guidance for District Level Competition
    Preliminary Exam on or before 26- Aug- 24 District level competition by DEO.
    Nominations for State Level Competitions on or before 31- Aug- 24 Selected Student’s list to be submitted by DEO’s for State Level Competition   as per Annexure-I
    Founder Interaction 17- Sep-24 Online Interaction with Dr. Mohan Kanda IAS (Retd), Founder-President, Vaaradhi Foundation with qualified students
    Essay Writing (State Level Competition) 19- Sep-24 Online Competition (Please read the instructions)
    Debate (State Level  Competition) 21- Sep-24 Online Competition (Please read the instructions)
    Annual Event 28- Sep-24 State level awards will be announced
    Certification & Awards 12- Oct-24 Certificates will be sent through courier. Prize money will be deposited to the participant’s bank accounts.

    General Instructions for State Level Competitions

    • 1. Only government school students are permitted to participate in the competition.
    • 2. Please read eligibility criteria clearly. Same student / team cannot participate in two events
    • 3. State level competitions will be conducted in online mode only
    • 4. All competitions will be conducted as a team event.

    Keeping this in view, the all the District Educational Officers, Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha are requested to inform the all details to all Mandal Educational Officers , Heads Masters/Principals to conduct the Varadhi Annual Competitions at Mandal and District Levels and encourage more number of student participation.

    Varadhi Competitions 2024 CERTIFICATION & AWARDS

    • Prize Money will be awarded as per below criteria for both Events:
    • Top three teams from Andhra Pradesh
    • Top three teams from Telangana
    Prize Money Details for Essay Writing & Debate
    • 1st Prize: Rs. 36,000 /- (12,000 per participant in three / two member team) 
    • 2nd Prize: Rs. 30,000/- (10,000 per participant in three / two member team) 
    • 3rd Prize: Rs. 27,000/- (9,000 per participant in three / two member team)
    • • All other participants and all the Mentor Teachers will be given Rs. 500/- as a token of our appreciation.
    • • Certificates will be issued to all the Students participating in Annual Vaaradhi Competitions (State Level).