AP School Bills - Bills will be Processed by DSE Instructions released

AP School Bills - No Need to Pay by HMs - Bills will be Processed by DSE Instructions released. 

DSE-Payments towards Electricity charges of Government offices- Certain guidelines issued by the Energy Dept- communicated-Reg

AP School Bills - No Need to Pay by HMs - Bills will be Processed by DSE Instructions released

విద్యా కార్యాలయాల విద్యుత్ చార్జీలు చెల్లింపు పై బిల్లుల ప్రాసెస్ చేయాల్సిన విధి విధానాలపై తాజా మార్గదర్శకాలు విడుదల చేసిన డైరెక్టర్ ఆఫ్ స్కూల్ ఎడ్యుకేషన్

File No.ESE02-32023/3/2024-ACCOUNTS-CSE

Memo.No.ESE02-32023/3/2024-ACCOUNTS-CSE, dt.06/09/2024

Sub: DSE- Payments towards Electricity charges of Government offices- Certain guidelines issued by the Energy Dept-communicated-Reg.

Ref: G.O.Ms.No.34 of Energy (Power-III) Dept, dt.22-08-2024

Attention is invited to the reference cited, wherein the Energy Department has issued certain guidelines for payment of electricity charges of Government offices stating that,

1. After receiving the bill from the DISCOMS, all the departments/Heads of Departments shall verify the bill and after satisfying themselves about the correctness of the bill, the same shall be sent to Energy Dept, duly countersigning the bill.

2. After receiving the CC bills countersigned by the Departments, the Energy Dept shall review the bills received and prefer bill in CFMS for arranging consolidated payments to the DISCOMS concerned.

In view of the above, all the unit offices under the administrative Control of the DSE and HODS under the budgetary control of DSE are requested to follow the guidelines issued by the Energy Department with regard to payment of Electricity charges of their respective offices/Departments.

AP School Bills - No Need to Pay by HMs - Bills will be Processed by DSE Instructions released