TaRL 2024-25 for Class III to V - Implementation, Baseline, MidLine, Endline Guidelines

TaRL 2024-25 for Class III to V - Implementation, Baseline, MidLine, Endline Guidelines. Teaching at Right Level for 2024-25 in Class III to Class V Instructions released by SPD of Samagra Siksha AP.  
Rc.No.SS-15021/12/2022 Date:19/09/2024. Detailed Schedule and How to conduct the Tarl implementation for 2024-25 is explained below.

TaRL 2024-25 for Class III to V - Implementation, Baseline, MidLine, Endline Guidelines

TaRL 2024-25 for Class III to V - Implementation, Baseline, MidLine, Endline Guidelines

Sub : School Education – AP Samagra Shiksha – Conducting of baseline test to III to V classes on TaRL in all managements except Private Schools – Issued – Reg.,

Ref: MoU between Pratham Education Foundation and this ofce Dt:09.06.2022.

All the Regional Joint Directors of school Education and all the District Education Ofcers in the State are aware that the classroom practice of Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) has been developed and implemented from the academic year 2022-23. The objective of TaRL is to improve the language and math learning outcomes for the children of 3rd to 5th classes.

Teaching at the Right Level focuses on foundation skills for all, with clear articulated goals for basic reading and math. Teaching starts at the level of the child rather than at the level of the grade, with simple and engaging daily learning activities. Students engage in activities in large groups, small groups and individuals.

The teachers who are dealing with classes 3 to 5 have already undergone the physical training for the academic year 2022 -23.

Vide reference cited above, the online training program is delivered to all the teachers who are dealing with 3,4 and 5 classes in all government management schools in the state for the academic year 2023 - 24. The action plan for implementation of the program for the academic year 2024 - 2025 with all the proposed dates to conduct baseline, mid line and end line test along with review meetings is enclosed.

All the District Education Officers are instructed to issue necessary instructions on the following to the concerned for the smooth conduct of program without any deviation.

TaRL instructions for 2024-25

1.To ensure that all Teachers handling 3rd to 5th classes, implement TaRL program in their respective schools.

2.Issue instructions to all HMs of primary, Upper Primary and High schools regarding the Implementation of the program in the state

3.To conduct district -level review meetings in the frst week of every month to discuss the challenges and success.

4.To conduct review meetings at the school complex level in the last week of every month or in complex meetings to discuss challenges and success.

5.To instruct MEOs to ensure that,Teachers conduct the Base-Line, Mid- Line and End-Line test as given in the action plan and also monitor the data entry in the academic monitoring app as per the schedule given without fail.

6.In the case of High schools having 3-5 classes and no SGT available depute one Telugu and one mathematics teacher for this program.

Tarl Schedule for 2024-25

Action plan for Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) programme 2024-25
S.No Date Activity
1 24th September 2024 to 25th September 2024 Conducting the Baseline test at the school level by each trained teacher for Std.3 to 5.
2 25th September 2024 Program rollout Should happen after conducting the Baseline session in each mandal. Half of the schools should conduct the class in the morning and remaining half should run the classes in the afternoon, so that, Monitors can support at least two schools in a day. Relevant proceedings should be given by the concerned officials.
3 25th September 2024 Monitoring of the program by MEOs and District officials
4 25th September 2024 The government IT team will prepare and present options for data entry during Baseline, Mid line, and End line stages in Academic Monitoring Application. They will also provide data for analytical purposes.
5 28th September 2024 Last date for uploading the Baseline data by teachers at school level through Academic Monitoring application.
6 01st October 2024 to 03rd October 2024 Baseline data Report sharing and review at state/district/mandal/school complex level
7 20th December 2025 to 21st December 2025 Mid line test should be conducted to the children who are part of TaRL program in all schools
8 28th December 2025 Last date for uploading the Mid line data by teachers at school level through Govt. Provided Academic Monitoring application.
9 3rd January 2025 to 6th January 2025 Mid line data Report sharing and review at state/district/mandal/school complex level
10 26th march 2025 to 27th march 2025 End line test should be conducted to the children who are part of TaRL programme in all schools
11 5th April 2025 Last date for uploading the End line data by teachers at school level through Govt. Provided Academic Monitoring application.
12 10th April 2025 to 13th April 2025 Endline Report sharing at various levels from school level to State Level.
13 Every Month Mandal-level review meeting in the Last week every month - To discuss implementation, challenges and success in TaRL implementation
14 Every Month District-level review meeting in the First week every month - To discuss implementation challenges and success in TaRL implementation
15 Every Month State-level review meeting in the First week every month - To discuss implementation challenges and success in TaRL implementation
16 25th April 2025 Further planning and Proposal for next academic year

Download the Detailed TaRL Schedule for 2024-25