AP Implementation of MDM in All Govt Junior Colleges GO No 40 | Mid Day Meals in Junior Colleges

AP Implementation of MDM in All Govt Junior Colleges GO No 40 | Mid Day Meals in Junior Colleges. School Education - IE - Implementation of Mid-Day Meal programme in all Government Junior Colleges in the State - Administrative Approval – Accorded - Orders - Issued.
G.O.MS.No. 40 Dated: 31-12-2024 

AP Implementation of MDM in All Govt Junior Colleges GO No 40 | Mid Day Meals in Junior Colleges

Read the following:-
  • 1. From the Director of Intermediate Education, e-File No. EHE05-17030/2/2018-ACADEMIC II - IE (Computer No. 542694), dt.07.12.2024
  • 2. From the Director, Mid-Day Meal, e-File No. ESE02- 27021/42/2024-MDM -CSE (Computer No.2656785), dt.15.12.2024.
  • 3. From the G.A (Cabinet) Department, U.O.No.290/2024, dt.19.12.2024.

AP Implementation of MDM in All Govt Junior Colleges GO No 40 | Mid Day Meals in Junior Colleges

The Government has observed that students admitted to Government Junior Colleges often belong to BPL (Below Poverty Line) and other marginalized sections. To encourage these students to pursue higher education without financial burden and in a healthy environment, the introduction of a Mid-Day Meal program is essential. 

The Mid-Day Meal (MDM) program offers numerous benefits, aiming to enhance students' nutrition, education, and overall well-being. Some key benefits include improving nutrition, increasing enrollment and attendance, enhancing learning outcomes, promoting social integration, reducing the financial burden on low-income families, and creating awareness about healthy eating habits among students. 

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme is, therefore, a critical intervention to improve student welfare and achieve broader educational and societal goals.

2. In the reference 1st and 2nd read above, the Director of Intermediate Education and the Director of Mid-Day Meal have requested to accord administrative approval for implementation of Mid-Day Meal programme in Government Junior Colleges.

3. Government after careful examination in the matter, hereby accord administrative approval for implementation of Mid-Day Meal programme in 475 Government Junior Colleges from 1st January, 2025, with budget estimates of Rs.27.39 crores and Rs.85.84 crores for the Financial Years, 2024-25 and 2025-26 respectively. The detailed guidelines for implementation of Mid-Day Meal programme in Government Junior Colleges are appended to the G.O as Annexure.

4. The Director of Intermediate Education, the Director of Mid-Day Meal and all District Collectors shall take further necessary action accordingly in the matter.

5. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance (FMU-SE) Department vide U.O.No.41024/5/2018-SO(FMU(EDN))-FINANCE (Computer No: 557772), dated: 18.12.2024.


(to G.O.Ms.No.40, School Education (IE) Department, dated: 31.12.2024)

The guidelines for implementation of Mid-Day Meal programme in Government Junior Colleges:

a) The Mid-Day Meal Programme shall be implemented in 475 Government Junior Colleges from 1st January, 2025 by providing hot cooked food as per the menu being followed in High Schools of School Education Department. Out of 475 Government Junior Colleges, some Government Junior Colleges are tagged to nearby Schools where cooked food will be prepared in the School premises and supplied to tagged Government Junior Colleges and some Government Junior Colleges are tagged to Centralized Kitchens (NGOS) who are having MOUs for Supply of Mid Day Meals to Schools will be supplied to the tagged Government Junior Colleges.

b) All students studying in 1st and 2nd year Intermediate in the Government Junior Colleges will be covered under this scheme.

c) The Director, Mid Day Meal shall ensure that the Cook-cum Helpers, required for cooking and serving are appointed. Engaging the Cook-cum-Helpers and payment of honorarium to cook-cum helpers shall be as per MHRD norms.

d) The cooked meal shall be supplied in good quality sealed insulated/stainless steel containers which will be provided by the Principals of Government Junior Colleges in the State. Temperature of the meal when served should be maintained as per the conditions specified under Mid Day Meal scheme implemented by School Education Department.

e) The Cooked Mid-Day Meal shall be fit for human consumption for four hours after cooking and it should be transported to Colleges and consumed by students within that time.

f) The Principals of Government Junior Colleges are responsible for transportation of cooked food from nearby High Schools to Junior Colleges in the containers suitable for transportation and maintaining temperature.

g) The Director of Intermediate Education shall ensure that necessary vessels for transporting cooked food and eating plates are provided to the students. The expenditure shall be borne by them from within the budget available.

h) The charges towards transportation of cooked food, in case of transportation from nearby High School, shall be borne by the Director, Mid-Day Meal on submission of bills by Principals of Government Junior Colleges wherever applicable.

i) The Centralized Kitchens/NGOs are responsible for transportation and providing cooked meal to the students of the Government Junior Colleges wherever the same model is being followed for High Schools. The amount towards cooking cost and transportation will be paid by the Director, Mid-Day Meal as per existing procedure.

j) The Principals of Government Junior Colleges shall ensure that the meal is served to the students of Government Junior Colleges at specific time in co-ordination with the Head Masters of High Schools/Centralized Kitchens/ NGOs.

k) The Principals of Government Junior Colleges shall provide the details such as enrolment, attendance; number of meals required etc., every day to the Head Masters or Centralized Kitchen, from where the meal is being supplied.

l) The Principals of Government Junior Colleges will be responsible for submitting complete data to the Director, Mid Day Meal in the mobile app, meant for Mid Day Meal scheme every day.

m) All the District Collectors shall ensure that the MoU with the Centralized Kitchen/NGOs includes the students of Government Junior Colleges with stringent mechanism to check and supervise the quality and quantity of meal supplied.

n) The Head Masters of the High School, from where the cooked food is to be supplied to nearby Government Junior College, has to maintain all the records of supply of food grains, eggs, chikkis etc. and also ensure timely submission of indent according to the requirement of students of Government Junior Colleges as well.

o) The Director of Intermediate Education is the Nodal Officer for implementation of MDM in Junior Colleges.

p) The Director of Intermediate Education shall take required steps for monitoring the implementation of the Scheme in Government Junior Colleges.