Furnishing SC Employees Data with Sub Caste Details in AP. Rc.No.ESE02-28023/1/2025-PLG - CSE Dated:08-01-2025. Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff Details.
Sub:- School Education – Furnish the data on SC employees working in field offices along with SC sub caste details in the proforma- Certain instructions – Issued.
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officer/District School Educational Officer and DIET Principals is invited to the reference read above and they are informed that the Director of Social Welfare, A.P., Vijayawada, has sent a letter to this office, stating that the Government has appointed Sri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, I.A.S. (Retd.), as a One-Man Mission to provide specific recommendations on the sub-classification of Scheduled Castes.
This aims to ensure that the benefits of reservation policies are equitably distributed among the various sub-groups of Scheduled Castes in the State of Andhra Pradesh, in light of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court (State of Punjab & Ors. vs. Davinder Singh & Ors., Civil Appeal No. 2317 of 2011, dated 01.08.2024).
Sub:- School Education – Furnish the data on SC employees working in field offices along with SC sub caste details in the proforma- Certain instructions – Issued.
Furnishing SC Employees Data with Sub Caste Details in AP
Read:- Lr.Rc.No.G2/SOW02-18/69/2024-4,Dated:27.11.2024 of the Director of Social welfare, A.P, Vijayawada.The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officer/District School Educational Officer and DIET Principals is invited to the reference read above and they are informed that the Director of Social Welfare, A.P., Vijayawada, has sent a letter to this office, stating that the Government has appointed Sri Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, I.A.S. (Retd.), as a One-Man Mission to provide specific recommendations on the sub-classification of Scheduled Castes.
This aims to ensure that the benefits of reservation policies are equitably distributed among the various sub-groups of Scheduled Castes in the State of Andhra Pradesh, in light of the judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court (State of Punjab & Ors. vs. Davinder Singh & Ors., Civil Appeal No. 2317 of 2011, dated 01.08.2024).
Therefore, all Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officer/District School Educational Officer and DIET Principals are instructed to furnish district wise data on SC along with SC sub castes of employees under their administrative control. The data should be compiled in the
prescribed consolidated proforma, submitted in an Excel sheet, and sent via email to plg.cse@apschooledu.in by 08.01.2025, along with a duly authenticated and signed copy.