APSCERT FA-4 2025: 1-9th Classes Time Table, Syllabus [Official] Released. Rc.No. SCERT/AP/2025 Dt:03-02-2025. School Education-SCERT A.P.-Time Table for Formative Assessment for the Academic year 2024-25- Communicated and certain Instructions-issued -Reg. Self-Assessment Model Paper-IV Pattern for I to VIll Classes
Instructions for Confidential activity:
Download FA-4 2025 Syllabus
APSCERT has released the Formative Assessment 4 Time Table for 2025. The FA-4 exams for 2025 will commence from 3rd March 2025. SAMP-4 [Self Assessment Model Paper -4] Detailed Time Table, Syllabus for 2025.
APSCERT FA-4 2025: 1-10th Classes Time Table, Syllabus [Official] Download
Sub:School Education-SCERT A.P.-Time Table for Formative Assessment for the Academic year 2024-25- Communicated and certain Instructions-issued -RegAll the Regional Joint Directors and the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that the Formative Assessment -IV Timetable was prepared as per the Academic Calendar and hereby communicated along with the syllabus, timetable,marks pattern and instructions
APSCERT FA-4 Primary Time Table
Date | Session (09.30 A.M to 10.45 A.M) | Session 2 (01.15 P.M to 2.30 P.M) |
03.03.2025 | OSSC | ---- |
04.03.2025 | Telugu (1St Language) | Mathematics |
05.03.2025 | English | Environmental Science |
APSCERT FA-4 Schedule for Secondary classes (6 to 8)
Date | Session 1 (01.15 P.M to 02.30 P.M) | Session 2 (02.45 P.M to 4.00 P.M) |
03.03.2025 | OSSC-/Persia/Arabic | OSSC-I/Persia/Arabic |
04.03.2025 | Telugu(1st Language) | Mathematics |
05.03.2025 | Hindi | General Science |
06.03.2025 | English | Social Studies |
APSCERT FA-4 Schedule for Secondary classes (9th Class)
Date | Session 1 (09.30 A.M to 10.45 A.M) | Session 2 (11.00 A.M to 12.15 P.M |
03.03.2025 | OSSC-/Persia/Arabic | OSSC-I/Persia/Arabic |
04.03.2025 | Telugu(1st Language) | Mathematics |
05.03.2025 | Hindi | General Science |
06.03.2025 | English | Social Studies |
Self-Assessment Model Paper-IV Pattern for I to VIll Classes
Question Type | No.of Questions | Marks | Total Marks |
MCQ | 10 | 2 | 20 |
2M FR | 3 | 2 | 6 |
4M FR | 1 | 4 | 4 |
5M FR | 1 | 5 | 5 |
Total | 15 | 35 |
Self-Assessment Model Paper-IV Pattern for Class IX |
Marks | Telugu |
Hindi |
English |
Maths |
PS |
BS |
Social |
1 | 7X1M=
7M |
5M |
11X1M=11M |
=7M |
=4M |
=3M |
5X1M =5M |
2 | 2X2M=
4M |
7X2M=14M |
=12M |
=2M |
=2M |
3X2M= 6M |
4 | 4X4M=
16M |
3X4M = 12M |
=8M |
=4M |
=4M |
2X4M =8M |
5 | 2X5M
=10M |
8 | TX8M=
8M |
=8M |
=8M |
=8M |
=8M |
2X8M =16M |
10 | 1X 10N =
10M |
No of Questions | 14 |
14 |
18 |
16 |
7 |
6 |
12 |
Total Marks | 35 |
35 |
35 |
35 |
35 |
35 |
Instructions on FA-4 2025:
The RJDSEs and DEOs are further informed that the following instructions on confidentiality are also reiterated:Instructions for Confidential activity:
- Question papers will be stored securely at the school complex for 1st to 5th classes and at MRC for 6th to 1oth classes.
- The Mandal Education Officers (MEOs)1 and 2 and School complex headmasters will be the custodians of the preserved papers.
- Constitute the three-man committee to preserve and draw the confidential material with MEO-1&2 and one Headmaster at the MRC level and at the complex level with the complex headmaster,and two head teachers from the primary /UP schools within the school complex.
- Question paper bundles will be handed over to the concerned schools only one hour prior to the commencement of the examination in each session.
- School complex HM and MEOs must ensure the integrity of the question papers.
- They,along with Cluster Resource Persons(CRPs), should visit schools during examination hours to verify that the examinations are being conducted smoothly and fairly.
- In case of any untoward incidents,School complex HMs,MEOs and CRPs should report immediately to higher officials.
- MEOs and CRPs should focus on monitoring examination conduction procedures in both private and government-managed schools.
- Any deviation will be viewed seriously.
Therefore,all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are requested to disseminate the above timetable to all the field-level functionaries under their jurisdiction and shall strictly adhere to the above instructions without fail.
Download FA-4 2025 Syllabus