AP Teachers Transfers Rules Act 2025 [Released] Draft

AP Teachers Transfers Rules Act 2025 [Released] Draft. Govt of AP, School Education Department has released the AP Teachers Transfers Rules Act 2025 in Draft Form. The AP Teachers Transfers will be held basing on the AP Teachers Transfers Act 2025. Details of the Act, Complete information is given below.

AP Teachers Transfers Rules Act 2025

AP Teachers Transfers Rules Act 2025

Be it enacted by the legislature of the State of Andhra Pradesh in the Seventy sixth Year of Republic of India as follows:

Short title and commencement

1. (i) This Act may be called the Andhra Pradesh State Teachers Transfers Regulation Act, 2025. 
 (ii) It extends to the whole State of Andhra Pradesh. 
(iii) It shall come into force on such date as the Government may, by notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette, appoint.. 

Definitions of Certain Words in AP Teachers Transfers Act 

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(i) “Academic year” means June 1st of the every year to May 31st of next year;

Note:-Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teacher who have completed minimum of nine months of their service in one academic year shall be treated as one complete academic year.

(ii) "Appointment” means appointment by direct recruitment, by absorption or by transfer or by Promotion;

(iii) "Appointing authority" means the authority competent to make an appointment to the post of Headmasters (Gr.II)/Teachers according to the provisions of the relevant Service Rules for the time being in force;

(iv) “Cluster” means a group of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools within the Mandal;

(v) "Competent authority" means in case of Headmasters (Gr.II), Regional Joint Director of School Education and whereas for teachers, District Educational Officer or any officer notified by the Government from time to time;

(vi) “Headmaster Gr.II ” means Headmaster of High school working against the sanctioned post;

(vii) “Teacher” means a person appointed to a category of post as a teacher, in a Primary or Upper Primary or High School and such other posts as specified in the Schedule;

(viii) “Maximum Period” means

(a) Continuous service of Five academic years for Headmasters Gr.II from the date of joining in their respective School.
(b) Continuous service of Eight academic years for Teachers from the date of joining in their respective School.

(ix) “Minimum period” means continuous service of two academic years in the cadre of Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teacher from the date of joining in their respective school;

(X) “Needy schools” means schools in which Headmasters Gr.II/Teachers are required as per Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) under RTE Act or the norms defined by the Government for Re-apportionment;

(XI) "Urban area" means the areas,-
  • (a) Category I – All the areas within the limits of a district headquarters, the limits of a City Corporation; and the area notified by the State Government from time to time as meriting the existing House Rent Allowance(HRA).
  • (b) Category – II - All Habitations/ Towns Municipality or a Nagar Panchayat and the area notified by the State Government from time to time as meriting the existing House Rent Allowance(HRA).
  • (c) As per norms defined by the Government from time-to- time.
(XII) "Rural area" means

  • (a) The areas of all Habitations where 12%(RPS-2015), 10%(RPS-2020) House Rent Allowance(HRA) as per the orders issued by the government from time to time is admissible.
  • (b) Category III – All Mandal headquarters not covered in Category I & II and all Habitations/Villages are having the all-weather road connectivity.
  • (c) Category IV - Habitations/villages which do not cover in Category III including Hilltop area schools.
  • (d) As per norms defined by the Government from time-to- time.

AP Teachers Transfers Act Bullet Points 

👉 ఈ చట్టము Govt & MP/ZP&Mpl మేనేజ్మెంట్ స్కూల్స్ కు వర్తించును
👉Govt/PR/Municipalities లో వారికి వారి మేనేజ్మెంట్ లో పాత జిల్లా పరిధిలో జరుగును.అలాగే Mpl corporation /గ్రేటర్ విజయవాడ, గ్రేటర్ విశాఖ పరిధిలో జరుగును
👉Academic Year అంటే Jun 1st to May 31st
👉 ఒక సంవత్సరములో ఒక స్కూలులో 9 నెలలు పూర్తయితే Academic year Service పూర్తయినట్లే
👉Drawing,Craft, Vocational వారికి తప్ప మిగిలిన HM&Teachers కు Online Councliing
👉Vacancies సంఖ్యను బట్టి Blocking జరుగును
👉Promotions & Appointments సమయములో Cat IV ,III,II,I Priority లో No of Promotions/Appointments కు సమానంగా Vacancies చూపిస్తారు
👉Minimum :2 AYs
👉Maximum:5 AYs for HMs, 8AYs for other Teachers
👉Govt Transfer పై వచ్చిన వారికి పాత, క్రొత్త స్కూలు రెండు స్కూళ్ళలో కలిపి Maximum నిర్ణయిస్తారు
👉Widow ,Diverged Women ,Exservice men, Military వొరి Spouse , 70%. లోపుPh వారికి%లకు Transfers లో Points మాత్రమే Prefernce లేదు .కేవలం వ్యాధులున్న వారికి , More than 70%Ph వొరికి , Self వ్యాధి గ్రస్తులైన పిలల్లున్న వారు మాత్రమే Preferential category
Spouse ,NCC,Scouts ,Union office Old Dist bearers కు Special.points
👉Court కు పోవటానికి వీలు లేదు
👉Preferential category లో ఉన్న SGT s ఒక స్కూలులో 40%,SAలలో Subject 50% Posts మాత్రమేPreferential వారికి అవకాశమివ్వరు
>Single Subject Teachers మాత్రమేఉన్నHS ల ఖాళీలను Preferential category వారిని కోరుకోనివ్వరు
👉 మిగిలిన నిబంధనలన్నీ పూర్వము వలెనే

Central Act No 35 of 2009

(X) Re-apportionment means the process of reallocating surplus teacher posts to the needy schools based on the Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR)prescribed under the Right To Education Act, 2009 and accordingly, determined by the State government.

(XI) "Transfer" means the posting of a Headmaster Gr.II/Teacher from one school to another school;

(XII) Teacher Adjustment means any orders issued by the competent authority adjusting the surplus teachers to that of needy schools on administrative grounds as per section 14 of this Act.

(XIII) "School" means Primary, Upper Primary and High School under the management of Government/ Mandal Parishad/ Zilla Parishad/ Municipal/ Municipal Corporation as the case may be.

(XIV) “Schedule” means the schedule appended to this Act; (XVIII)“Surplus” means Headmaster Gr-II/ teacher has been identified by competent authority to be more than the required teachers at the respective school as per RTE Act/ Re-apportionment norms.

(XIX) "Unit of seniority" means,
(a) Zone: Headmaster Gr.II (Govt.Schools) whose initial appointment in Government Schools.

(b) District (erstwhile): Headmaster Gr.II (MP/ZP), School Assistants, Secondary Grade Teacher and equivalent cadres in Government/Mandal Parishad/ Zilla Parishad management of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools.

(c) District(erstwhile): Headmaster Gr.II, School Assistants, Secondary Grade Teacher and equivalent cadres in Municipal management schools in municipalities/ Municipal Corporations/Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation /Vijayawada Municipal Corporation of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools.

(XX) “Ban Period” means the period during which transfers of Government employees/teachers not to effect, as specified by the Finance Department 

Compulsory Appointment of a teacher in Rural Areas i.e., Category III or IV

  • 3. (i) Every appointing authority while giving first posting on initial appointment or Promotion of a Head Master Gr.II/Teacher to a school shall ensure that vacancies in Rural Areas i.e., Category III or IV shall be filled in the first instance.
  • (ii) If no vacancy is available for posting on initial appointment or promotion in Category III or IV, then a Head Master Gr.II/ Teacher may be posted to a school in order of Category I or II.
  • Note : The provisions mentioned in clause (i) and (ii) do not apply to the Head Master Gr.II/ Teachers appointed in Municipal Schools/ Municipal Corporation Schools.

Re-apportionment of Teachers 

  • 4. (i) The sanctioned posts and the Head masters Gr.II/ Teachers working thereof in a school shall be re- apportioned based on the Pupil-Teacher ratio fixed by the State Government from time to time.
  • (ii) After re-apportionment, the excess posts of a Headmaster Gr.II/ Teachers in any school shall be shifted to any other needy school. The excess teachers so determined shall be transferred through counseling, based on the order of priority, subject to such other conditions as may be prescribed by the Government from time to time.
  • (iii) Separate guidelines will be issued by Government to Headmaster Gr.II/Teacher who are affected under re- apportionment.

Criteria for transfer of a Headmaster Gr.II/ Teacher

  • 5. (i) Provided that a Headmaster Gr.II/ Teacher who has completed maximum period of service in a particular school, shall be transferred compulsorily.
  • (ii) Provided that a Headmaster Gr.II/ Teacher who has served a minimum period of service in Category I/II/III/IV shall be offered the option to seek transfer, based on their service, subject to availability of vacancies.
  • (iii) Headmasters Gr.II/Teachers who are going to retire within 2 years from May 31st of that year shall not be transferred, until and unless they request for transfer.
  • (iv) Transfers shall be affected within their appointed management.
  • (v) A Male Headmaster Gr.II/ Teacher aged below 50 years as on May 31st of that year and working in girls high school shall be transferred mandatorily.
  • (vi) If no women Headmaster Gr.II/ Teacher are available to work in girls High School, then the male Headmaster Gr.II/ Teacher who crossed 50 years of age as on May 31st of that year shall be considered for posting to such schools.
  • (vii) The Headmasters Gr.II who have completed 5 Academic years of service and teachers who have completed 8 Academic years of service as NCC officers should be posted in a vacancy in a school where there is an NCC unit. If no vacancy is available in another school having NCC unit they shall be continued in the same school on their request. If any NCC officer facing disciplinary proceedings, that NCC officer shall be transferred.
  • (viii) A teacher who is facing charges under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012/Girl child abuse case, shall not be opted to the same Mandal/Municipality or any Girls High School. In case of Municipal Corporation Schools, teacher shall be posted in distant places.
  • (ix) If Article of charges are pending against the Headmaster Gr.II/ Teacher, he/she shall not be considered for request transfer.

Notification of Vacancies

  • 6. (i) Government will notify the vacancies,-
  • (a) Clear vacancies including retirement vacancies;
  • (b) Vacancies under compulsory transfer;
  • (c) Reapportionment vacancies;
  • (d) Vacancies arise out of unauthorized absence for one year or more than one year as on the date of issuance of transfer guidelines;
  • (e) Study leave vacancies;
  • (f) Resultant vacancies during transfer counseling.
(ii) Provision of blocking of vacancies,-
  • (a) In case of any surplus vacancies identified in the district, those vacancies shall be equitably distributed among the Mandals in the district;
  • (b) Separate guidelines for blocking of vacancies shall be issued by the Government from time to time.

Transfers by counseling

  • 7. (i) The transfer of a teacher under this Act shall be done through a process of web-based counselling conducted in such a manner as may be prescribed from time to time.
  • (ii) Headmasters Gr.II/Teachers cannot claim transfer as a matter of right and these guidelines does not intend or confer any right for posting at desired places.
  • (iii) While implementing the transfers, the State Government shall constitute the Committees at the State & District levels for ensuring the counselling process in a transparent manner.

Transfer of Teachers to Specified Posts

8. All specified posts shall be filled only through online counseling based on points specified for such posts except Drawing/Craft/ Music/ vocational/ NCC and School Assistant(Special Education).

Entitlement Points- Service Points

9. (i) Station points shall be awarded to the Headmaster Gr.II/Teacher based on the number of years of service in the respective school, as outlined below,-
  • (a) Category- I area– 1 point/ year
  • (b) Category- II area - 2 points/ year
  • (c) Category- III area - 3 points/ year
  • (d) Category- IV area - 5 points/ year.
In the case of villages or towns that were initially categorized under one category and later reclassified to another category (as per HRA or road conditions), then the station points shall be calculated proportionately.

(ii) Service Points:
For the service rendered: 1 (one) point shall be awarded to all Headmasters Gr.II/Teachers for completed year of service in all cadres, as of May 31st of that year.

Special Points in transfers

10. (i) Special points in transfers shall be provided,-
  • (a) To the teachers whose spouse is employed in State/Central Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Local Bodies or Aided Institutions and also to the regular employees working in Educational Societies running under State Government.
  • (b) The benefit of spouse points shall apply to one of the spouses once in 5/8 academic years only.
  • (ii) Un-married Women teachers who are above 40 years of age.
  • (iii) Physically handicapped i.e., from 40% to 69%, to Visually challenged/ Orthopedically challenged/ Hearing impaired employees.
  • (iv) President and General Secretary of Recognized Teachers Unions at State/District Level(Erstwhile Districts),
  • (v) Widow/Legally Separated Women, Ex-servicemen in Army/Navy/Air Force/BSF/CRPF/CISF now working as teacher and spouse of the service person in Army/Navy/Air Force/BSF/CRPF/CISF.
  • (vi) The Scouts and Guides unit who is operating for the past two years.

Preferential category for transfers

11. (A) Preferential category for transfers are as follows,-
  • (i) Physically handicapped i.e., more than or equal to 80 % to Visually challenged/ Orthopedically challenged employees.
  • (ii) Physically handicapped i.e more than or equal to 70 % to Visually challenged/ Orthopedically challenged/ Hearing impaired employees.
(iii) Headmasters Gr.II/Teachers who are suffering from the following diseases, in which he/she undergoing treatment:
  • (a) Cancer;
  • (b) Open Heart Surgery/Correction of Atrial Septal Defect Organ Transplantation;
  • (c) Major Neuro Surgery;
  • (d) Bone TB;
  • (e) Kidney Transplantation/ Dialysis; and
  • (f) Spinal Surgery.
(iv) Headmasters Gr.II/Teachers with dependent children and spouse who are mentally challenged and are undergoing treatment.

(v) Headmasters Gr.II/Teachers with dependent children suffering with Juvenile Diabetes/ Thalassemia Disease/Haemophilia Disease/Muscular Dystrophy and are ongoing treatment.

  • (1) Headmasters Gr.II/Teacher those who have applied for transfer under above category shall submit all Medical Reports/Certificates certified by the District/State Medical Board afresh through online and no old Certificates will be allowed.
  • (2) The Headmasters Gr.II/Teacher should avail of either the preferential categories or special points once in 5/8 years respectively.
(B) Preference shall be given to the Headmasters Gr.II/Teachers who have dependent children who born with congenital heart defect(holes in Heart) and who have undergone surgery shall be considered under preferential category within (3) years from the date of surgery.
(C) However, for the categories specified in sub section (A) –
  • (i) For Secondary Grade Teachers – 40% of vacancies will be filled in a particular school.
  • (ii) For School Assistants - 50% of vacancies in each subject will be filled in a particular school.
  • (iii) For School Assistants in Single Subject Teacher High Schools will not be considered.

Performance of teachers

12. Government shall issue separate guidelines from time to time on performance points.

Negative Points:
13. In case of unauthorized absence, one point shall be deducted for each month of absence limited to maximum 10 points, besides the punishment awarded under disciplinary proceedings. Negative points will be awarded for the unauthorized absence after the date of commencement of the Act.

Teacher adjustment.
14. The competent authority, may adjust the surplus teachers to that of needy schools on administrative grounds as and when permitted by the Government.

In case of Request/Mutual /Inter District/Inter State Transfer

15. Government is the competent authority to consider transfers of request/mutual/Inter District/Inter State.

If any Headmaster Grade II or Teacher is transferred on request or mutual grounds during the ban period then the period worked in both stations shall be taken into account to calculate the maximum period when determining eligibility for compulsory transfer.

Transfers Calendar

16. (i) General Transfers will be made only once in a year, as per the time schedule mentioned in section 7 or as notified by the Government from time to time.

(ii) Transfers can be affected by the Government at any time during the year in cases of administrative exigency

  • 1. (i) Before conduct of transfer counselling, reapportionment shall be completed, then after completion of transfers, it is open to the competent authority to conduct teacher adjustment if any.
  • (ii) Government shall issue a separate guidelines for conducting transfer counselling every year in accordance with the rules prescribed hereunder.
  • (iii) If there is any contradiction in the guidelines, the rules mentioned in Act shall prevail.
  • (iv) During the issuance of transfer guidelines by the Government, the same shall specify the number of points to be allotted under special/reapportionment.
  • (v) In case, the entitlement points of two or more applicants are equal then the following shall be taken into consideration sequentially,-
(a) The seniority in the cadre shall be taken into account.

(b) Priority to the candidate based on the date of birth (senior) besides clause (a).
(c) Women.
(i) In case of any disciplinary issues with Headmaster Gr.II/ Teacher, the competent authority can transfer to other places with the approval of District Collector.

ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వం
పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ
పత్రికా ప్రకటన
తేదీ: 01-03-2025
ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ రాష్ట్ర ఉపాధ్యాయ బదిలీల నియంత్రణ ముసాయిదా చట్టం -2025
ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ రాష్ట్రంలో పనిచేస్తున్న ఉపాధ్యాయుల బదిలీలను పారదర్శకంగా నిర్వహించేందుకు పాఠశాల విద్యాశాఖ, ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ రాష్ట్ర ఉపాధ్యాయ బదిలీల నియంత్రణ ముసాయిదా చట్టం -2025 ను రూపొందించి ఈ రోజు (01.03.2025) "cse.ap.gov.in" వెబ్‌సైట్‌లో ఉంచడమైనది.
కావున ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ రాష్ట్రంలోని ప్రధానోపాధ్యాయులు మరియు ఉపాధ్యాయులు సంబంధిత వెబ్సైటును సందర్శించి ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ రాష్ట్ర ఉపాధ్యాయ బదిలీల నియంత్రణ ముసాయిదా చట్టం -2025 పైన సలహాలు మరియు సూచనలు వెబ్సైట్లో ఉంచిన ప్రొఫార్మాలో 07.03.2025 సాయంత్రం ఐదు గంటల లోపు draft.aptta2025@gmail.com కు పంపించాలని పాఠశాల విద్యా సంచాలకులు కోరడమైనది.
సలహాలు మరియు సూచనలు పంపడానికి విధానం:
1. "cse.ap.gov.in" వెబ్‌సైట్‌ను సందర్శించాలి.
2. అందుబాటులో ఉన్న ప్రొఫార్మాను డౌన్‌లోడ్ చేసుకుని, తగిన వివరాలు నమోదు చేయాలి.
3. పూర్తయిన ప్రొఫార్మాను draft.aptta2025@gmail.com కి పంపించాలి.
విజయ రామరాజు. వి., I.A.S.,
పాఠశాల విద్యా సంచాలకులు, ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వం.